• 26/07/2024 19:38

The average salary in February increased by 500 hryvnia

The average salary in Ukraine in February 2024 increased by UAH 500, or 2.6%, and reached UAH 20 thousand, these are the results of regular labor market research from Work.ua. Interfax-Ukraine writes about this.

Average salary in February increased by 500 hryvnia

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“In January, job seekers were quite active on the labor market, but employers were just preparing for the new hiring season. In February, the situation became the opposite: employers posted 7% more vacancies than in January, but competition among applicants decreased. This trend is a common phenomenon for the labor market, which is also aggravated by factors of full-scale invasion, such as population migration, business relocation, etc.,” Work.ua specialists commented on the results of the study.

According to it, for the first time in a long time, the average salary decreased in two categories: agriculture, agribusiness – by 5%, to 20 thousand UAH, and real estate – by 4%, to 35 thousand UAH.

According to published data, in 13 regions of Ukraine the labor market resumed in January and offers more vacancies than in February 2022. Among the leaders in this indicator are Transcarpathian (164%), Ivano-Frankivsk (154%), Khmelnitsky (132%), Vinnytsia (131%) and Lviv (130%) regions.

It is noted that according to Compared to January, there was a noticeable increase in work in the Kirovograd, Zaporozhye, Nikolaev, Odessa (+10% in each) and Zhytomyr (+9%) regions.

The leading regions also recorded an increase in the number of vacancies: Kiev region – +7% compared to January (up to 33.2 thousand offers), Dnepropetrovsk – +6% (up to almost 9 thousand), Lviv region – +5% (8.9 thousand), Odessa region – +10% (6.3 thousand) and Kharkov region – +7% (3.6 thousand vacancies).

It is noted that the number of vacancies in categories that are recovering more slowly has increased since the beginning of the full-scale invasion: if in January the number of vacancies in the top ten leading categories decreased, then in February an increase was recorded in the categories “blue-collar specialties, production” – 9% compared to January (16.2 thousand vacancies), “service sector” – 10 %, (up to 16.1 thousand), “sale, purchase” – 8% (up to 14.1 thousand), “retail trade” – 4% (up to 11.2 thousand), “logistics, warehouse, foreign trade activities ” – 5% (up to 9.5 thousand), “hotel and restaurant business, tourism” – 14% (8.6 thousand offers).

In February, the trend of growth in the number of vacancies with a knowledge requirement continued English: such offers increased by 16%. There was an 8% increase in vacancies with remote work.

In addition, job offers were added for people with disabilities (+10%), pensioners (+9%), students (+8%), as well as for veterans (+16%).


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