• 26/07/2024 23:00

The European Commission presented the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. Details

The European Commission sent members of the European Union a draft of the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. It will include, in particular, restrictions on LNG imports. Polskie Radio 24 reports this.

The European Commission presented the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. Details

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The package talks about a ban on transshipment of Russian LNG in European ports, from where it is then sent around the world. The leaders here are Belgium and its port of Zeebrugge, but France and Spain are also among the largest recipients of Russian LNG.

In addition, sanctions will apply to the Russian LNG projects Arctic and Murmansk.

The Commission also wants to impose sanctions on several vessels of the so-called “shadow fleet” of the Russian Federation, which transport Russian oil despite EU restrictions. They will be prohibited from entering European ports.

Also, according to the proposal, transport companies owned by at least a quarter by Russians will be prohibited from operating in the EU.

The Commission has also prepared a sanctions list of more than 50 companies from outside the EU subject to trade restrictions. They provide Russia with Western components and help circumvent sanctions.


On February 23, 2024, the EU approved the next, 13th, package of sanctions against Russia. It is aimed at further restricting access to military technologies and expanding the list of companies that help in the war – their number has exceeded 2 thousand.



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