• 26/07/2024 19:35

The President signed a law simplifying changes in the designated purpose of land

President Vladimir Zelensky signed a law simplifying the change in the designated purpose of land for energy and industrial facilities. He said this at the presentation of the “Made in Ukraine” program, writes the League.

The President signed a law on simplifying changes in the designated purpose of land

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“The barriers that have been talked about for years and preventing the expansion of existing production must be eliminated. A typical example of such a long-term negative is a long connection to networks or problems when changing the intended use of land. And as soon as I signed a law simplifying the change in the designated purpose of land plots to attract investment with the aim of quickly restoring Ukraine,” Zelensky said.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted this law in early February.

What the law provides

It provides for the elimination of unnecessary bureaucratic obstacles for investors who want to build a new plant, industrial or energy facility in Ukraine. The idea is that instead of one to three years, obtaining all the necessary permits will take no more than one and a half months.

A change in the intended purpose of the land will occur on the basis of the conclusion of the authorized body of urban planning and architecture of the local council on the possibility of locating the planned facility . Without the mandatory development of urban planning documentation and land management documentation.

The provisions of the law will be valid for the period of martial law plus five years, that is, for a conditional renewal period.


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