• 26/07/2024 20:57

Unblocking the border: Ukraine offers Poland a “Plan of Mutual Understanding”

Ukraine has developed and is offering Poland a plan for unblocking the border – the “Plan of Mutual Understanding”. Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal announced this while on the border with the Polish Republic.

Deblockade of the border: Ukraine offers Poland a “Plan of Understanding”

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Shmygal’s statement

Shmygal emphasized that Ukraine and Poland remain good partners and strategic allies. But the blockade damages the Ukrainian economy and the ability to better defend itself against the Russian aggressor.

He noted that in the last 5 months Ukraine has not been selling grain, corn, sunflower seeds and rapeseed to the Polish market. Ukrainian grain travels through Poland only through transit. In total, only 5% of agricultural exports pass through the Polish border today. And, most importantly, the blockade affects the entire Polish-Ukrainian trade, the economies of both countries. That is why this issue should be addressed and constructive decisions made.

Read: Border blocking: what is behind the protests of Polish farmers

5 steps to mutual understanding

According to Shmygal, the “Plan of Mutual Understanding” consists of five steps.

The first, in particular, provides for the consent of our state to the restrictions proposed by the European Commission on agricultural exports. In addition, Ukraine is ready to extend the verification mechanism for the export of grain, corn, sunflower and rapeseed.

Unblocking the border: Ukraine offers Poland a “Plan of Understanding”

According to the second step, Ukraine sends an appeal to the European Commission with a proposal to conduct urgent screening, that is, an analysis of clusters 4 and 5, which include agricultural policy and transport. This is necessary in order to reject manipulations on the quality of Ukrainian agricultural products.

The third step is to propose that the Polish government adopt a joint appeal to the European Commission calling to stop Russian agricultural exports to the EU.

Read: Tusk promises to remove obstacles on the border for military and humanitarian aid to Ukraine

The fourth step involves the creation of a “Tripartite Headquarters: Ukraine, Poland, European Commission” co-chaired by the agricultural ministers of the two countries and a representative of the European Commission . Also, Ukrainian and Polish agricultural associations will join his work.

The fifth step is to resolve the issue of entry at the border of not only ammunition, military equipment, humanitarian aid, medical supplies, but also other groups of goods.


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