• 26/07/2024 23:29

Poland reacted to the Russian missile: Warsaw will act tougher

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This information was reported by W Polityce, reports URA-Inform.  

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country Vladislav Teofil Bartoshevsky said that after this incident, Charge d'Affaires of Russia Andrei Ordash was immediately called “on the carpet.”

Communicating with him, Bartoshevsky stressed that Warsaw will react more harshly if the Russian Federation commits similar provocations in the future, violating Polish airspace, since “this is a test of our effectiveness and our approach to defense.”

According to him, if in the future, a Russian missile will fly a little further into Polish territory, it will be shot down.”

“We have a well-trained army, wonderful commanders and a wonderful minister national defense, and we will do everything to ensure that in 2024 the security of Poland is significantly increased,” concluded Bartoszewski.

We recall that it was previously reported that another country is preparing for war with the Russian Federation: the Commander-in-Chief admitted , what is the situation.

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