• 27/07/2024 00:00

Pensions will increase in Ukraine: Shmygal explained what changes the government has planned

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This information was reported by Denis Shmygal, URA-Inform reports.  

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmygal said that the government is preparing to index pensions in March. According to preliminary calculations by the Ministry of Social Policy, pension payments will increase by an average of 13%.

He also added that 50 billion hryvnia will be allocated from the budget for subsidies, which is 12 billion hryvnia more than last year. In general, social expenditures of the state budget in 2024 will amount to 470 billion hryvnia. This is 25 billion hryvnia more than last year.

«We are increasing the program to support low-income families. We are almost doubling spending on social protection of persons with disabilities. We are increasing the minimum wage. We continue to help internally displaced persons», — said Denis Shmygal.

Recall that it was previously reported that PrivatBank made an important decision on the delivery of payment cards: what you need to know.

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