• 08/02/2025 10:08

What the Kamenskys’ first love looks like and what tragedy they experienced (photo)

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This information was reported by Radiotrek, reports URA-Inform.  

Ukrainian singer Anastasia Kamenskikh, long before her marriage to producer Alexei Potapenko, experienced a fatal event — a tragic accident that claimed the lives of the relatives of her ex-boyfriend Vladimir Dyatlov.

This happened in 2006, when the artist was already famous and was building a relationship with her first love, who turned out to be her classmate. According to Kamensky, if not for the distance, the lovers could have gotten married, but the star’s ambitions forced her to stay in Kyiv, and Dyatlov returned to Nikolaev.

The emotional romance began in 2005. The young students met while studying foreign economic activity at one of the capital's universities. Close friendship grew into passionate love, which they carried in their hearts for many years.

Dyatlov supported his beloved in her musical activities, and she did not hide her feelings for her first chosen one. Joint photos of the lovers are still preserved online.

Recall that it was previously reported why Vitaly Belonozhko in recent years did not go on stage: Zibrovy admitted why this happened.

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