• 14/03/2025 02:38

Scientists have found a creature that puzzled them: the first images are shown

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This information was reported by the Daily Mail resource, reports URA-Inform.

< h2 class="wp-block-heading">A scientist's opinion

Caroline Pindar, a researcher studying rock pools at Heyburn Wyke in North Yorkshire, accidentally discovered these strange remains. According to Pindar, she initially thought that there was simply a lot of foam among the stones, ordinary debris that is thrown out by the tide. However, as she approached, she realized that in front of her was something incredible. The length of the discovered creature reached approximately 5 meters, but it was extremely difficult to determine its species.

Features of the remains

The remains of the creature were badly decomposed: bones protruded from the skin, and there were lumps of fat visible on one side. The shape of the bones resembled tusks, but the head and tail were not visible, and the suffocating smell of decomposition hung around. Judging by the photographs, the creature was likely covered in mottled white skin with a stringy texture.

Expert Panel Opinion

Caroline shared the photos in a specialist marine life group online, hoping to identify this sea creature. However, even experts could not agree on the identity of the remains.

Some suggested that it could be the remains of a walrus, while others cited the incredible size of the creature, suggesting that it was the remains of a minke whale or even a large one. dolphin The mystery of the «faceless sea monster» remains unsolved, researchers continue to try to determine its origin.

Remember, traveling into the past is possible: scientists have come to unexpected conclusions.

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