• 05/02/2025 10:04

How to recognize kidney disease: early symptoms that should alert you

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Kidney health plays a key role in maintaining the health of the body.

This was reported by “URA-Inform” with reference to Kyiv.ua.

They regulate water balance, remove toxins, participate in hematopoiesis and control the acid-base balance balance. Early detection of kidney problems can help avoid serious complications, including kidney failure.

Here are seven signs that may indicate problems with your kidneys:

Changes in urine color< /strong>
Constant changes in urine color may be a warning sign. This requires a specialist consultation.

Sharp odor of urine
A strong odor, especially if it becomes constant, may indicate the early stages of kidney failure.

Unstable urine volume
If the amount of urine excreted does not correspond to the volume of fluid drunk, this may indicate a violation of the water balance due to decreased kidney function.

Swollen fingers, joints, or bloating due to fluid retention are common symptoms of kidney disease.

Lower Back Pain
Discomfort or pain in the sides, below the ribs, may indicate inflammation or other problems with the kidneys.

Bad Breath
If you smell ammonia, it may be due to a buildup of toxins due to kidney problems. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately.

High Blood Pressure
Chronically high blood pressure is often associated with deteriorating kidney function and may be the first sign of incipient kidney failure.

If you notice one or more of these symptoms, it is important not to delay visiting a doctor. Early treatment helps maintain kidney health and avoid serious consequences.

Recall that earlier we reported on products that provoke the formation of blood clots: TOP-3 from experts.

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