Many people don't even think about the meaning of the tag on a tea bag, considering it just a packaging element or a convenient holder. However, it has important functions that are often used incorrectly.
URA-Inform reports this.
Fixing the bag in the cup
One of the main functions of the tag is to hold the tea bag on the edge of the mug. If it is positioned correctly, the bag will not fall into the water, even when the tea is poured with boiling water.
Avoiding the metal spoon
When brewing tea bags, it is not recommended to use a spoon to squeeze them out – this can lead to bitter tannins getting into the drink. Instead, you can gently pull the tag so that the excess liquid drains.
Optimal brewing temperature
Some manufacturers use tags not just as a design element, but also as a temperature indicator. If the tag changes color, it means the water is too hot to brew a particular type of tea.
An environmentally friendly way of disposal
The tag helps to properly dispose of the used tea bag. For example, some manufacturers make it from biodegradable materials, which makes waste recycling easier.
Advertisement and information about tea
Often the label will indicate the brand, type of tea, brewing tips, or even motivational phrases that make the tea drinking process more enjoyable.
Using a tea bag with a tag is not just convenience, but also an opportunity to brew tea correctly and without unnecessary hassle. Now, knowing its true purpose, you can use this small element of packaging with maximum benefit.
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