• 26/07/2024 21:02

Fines for draft evaders will increase sharply: what will they be under the new law?

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Fines for evaders will increase sharply. The Verkhovna Rada continues to work on bill No. 10379, which is aimed at increasing fines for violating military registration rules.

This information was reported by Rbc, URA-Inform reports.  

After passing the first reading, the document was amended and is now being prepared for the second reading. According to the proposed changes, a significant increase in fines is provided for violators of the rules of military registration and legislation on defense, conscription and military service, mobilization training and mobilization.

It is expected that fines for draft evaders will be as follows:

It is expected that fines for draft evaders will be as follows:

— for violation of military registration rules (Article 210 of the Code of Administrative Offenses): fine from 3,400 to 5,100 UAHfor repeated violation or during a special period — from 17,000 to 25,500 UAH;

— for violation of the legislation on defense and mobilization in peacetime (210-1 KUoAP): from 5,100 to 8,500 UAH — for citizens, from 17,000 to 34,000 UAH — for officials and legal entities;

— for violation of the legislation on defense and mobilization in wartime: from 17,000 to 25,500 UAH — for citizens, from 34,000 to 59,500 UAH — for officials and legal entities.

Member of the Committee on Law Enforcement Affairs Alexander Bakumov explained that for information that can be provided to the TCC from state registers (for example, passport number, trips abroad, etc.), materials on administrative violations cannot be compiled, since the state itself must cope with the exchange of such data.

People's deputies have provided for the period for imposing fines within a year from the moment the offense was committed, but no later than three months from the moment the offense was discovered.

It is worth noting that in the first version of the bill, they wanted to imprison people for 3-5 years for evading the mobilization call. HoweverThe Committee eliminated this provision.

Recall that it was previously reported that the Ukrainian military can calculate their own salaries: an innovation from the Ministry of Defense.

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