• 26/07/2024 19:30

It will be difficult for us – Zelensky urgently turned to the United States for help

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As it turns out, without the support of the United States, it will be difficult for Ukraine to resist aggression from Russia.

About President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky reported this information in his Telegram, URA-Inform reports.

President Vladimir Zelensky expressed hope for the help of United24 platform ambassadors in working with the US Congress on this issue.

Zelensky emphasized that in conditions when the attention of the world community is fragmented between other conflicts and events, it is important that United24 ambassadors continue their activities focused specifically on Ukraine.

< p>«As for the Congress, without its support it will be difficult for us not only to achieve victory, but also to survive. Therefore, it is important to take concrete actions together. I want to ask you to think about what we can do together publicly — perhaps some strong statements, some effective steps, — to draw the attention of Congress and the American people to Ukraine», — he emphasized.

It is known that the US Congress has been unable to approve new funding for assistance to Ukraine for several months, which has led to a virtual suspension of arms supplies from the United States to Ukraine.

Remember , how many Patriots are needed to completely cover the sky over Ukraine: Zelensky named the number for the first time.

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