• 27/07/2024 00:30

Mogilevskaya admitted that she became a mother: the first general photo with her daughters (photo)

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Mogilevskaya reported this information on Instagram, URA-Inform reports.  

The 48-year-old star for a long time kept secret the news that she adopted two daughters during the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. Mogilevskaya said that the girls are sisters. One of them is 2 years old, and the other is 10.

«It has already happened that it’s probably time to tell you this news. And with joy I want to say on this New Year’s Eve that I have become a mother… I wish all the children of Ukraine left without parents to find their loved ones, their family,” she noted.

Also Natalya showed the first general photo with her daughters. The family is hugging in the frame. True, the artist did not reveal her face or more details. She assured that in the future she does not want to make their life public for as long as possible. Moreover, even at school no one knows that the girls were adopted.

Recall that it was previously reported that Kirkorov was discharged agenda: the source said what signal Putin can give.

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