• 26/07/2024 23:58

NBU introduced new 5 hryvnia into circulation: what the money looks like (photo)

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Coin circulation — 100 thousand pieces.

The NBU reported this information, URA-Inform reports.  

The National Bank introduced into circulation a new commemorative coin “Parental Happiness”, dedicated to the joy of fatherhood. Its face value is — 5 hryvnia.

It was noted there:

— the coin is made of nickel silver (an alloy of copper, nickel and zinc);

— a silver version of the coin will be put into circulation in April.

What the new coin looks like

On the obverse of the coin (obverse side) are the parents' hands holding the baby's legs — «as a symbol of trust, protection and love that unites a family».

The reverse (back side) depicts a child sleeping on the clouds among toys. Above him — a rattle that shines against the background of the night sky «and gives peaceful dreams, a feeling of peace and comfort».

Where to buy «Parental happiness»< /p>

Coin circulation — 100 thousand pieces. Its sale starts on March 7. You can buy a coin in souvenir packaging in the NBU online store, as well as distribution banks:





«In total, 25 thousand commemorative coins are planned to be sold through the NBU online store. Of these, on the first day of sale — 15 thousand«, — noted in the National Bank.

We remind you that it was previously reported that the dollar exchange rate on March 1 is changing again: the expert voiced what to expect from the currency.

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