• 27/07/2024 00:10

Partisans record the arrival of a large number of Russians in Crimea: reasons given

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Russia continues to use the temporarily occupied Dzhankoy (Crimea) as a hub for transferring manpower to the front.

This information was reported by the Telegram channel of the partisan movement «Atesh», URA-Inform reports.  

Partisans record the arrival of a large number of Russians in the city. So, agents «Atesh» confirm that the situation with the regular arrival of personnel in the city — no changes.

«Many occupiers who arrived from occupied mainland Ukraine are being treated in military hospitals and civilian hospitals», &#8212 ; the message says.

According to the partisans, significant losses of the Russian invading forces force the Kremlin to carry out covert mobilization to compensate for these losses. As a result, many occupiers arrive in Dzhankoy for further advancement to the front.

«If you are a Russian military man, you want to live against the criminal war, write to our coordinator By joining us, you will get a chance to return home, to your family and live in a free, successful country,” the military movement “ATESH” emphasized.

Let us remind you , it was previously reported that Putin could be forced to end the war: the expert voiced the only condition.

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