• 27/07/2024 00:32

The National Bank will change the rules for all Ukrainians: what data will banks transfer to government agencies

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The NBU has developed changes to the Rules for the storage, protection, use and disclosure of banking secrecy. Now they are going through the procedure of public hearings (that is, they accept comments and suggestions and consider them).

The NBU reported this information, URA-Inform reports.  

The changes are related to the need to bring the Rules for storage, protection, use and disclosure of bank secrecy in accordance with Articles 62, 622 of the Law of Ukraine «On Banks and Banking Activities» and improving the procedure for disclosing information constituting bank secrecy by the NBU.

Now, upon request from government agencies, banks must provide information about open accounts and the balance of funds on them.

The new rules propose adding to the list information about unique identifiers and/or numbers of issuing payment instruments; information about unique identifiers and/or numbers of the counterparty's issuing payment instruments, a single identifier of the National Bank of Ukraine (hereinafter — NBU ID code) of the counterparty's payment service provider; name of the counterparty's payment service provider.

In addition, they suggest:

-clarify the type of information that constitutes banking secrecy and which the National Bank of Ukraine has the right to provide to the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Individuals;

— to clarify the types of inspections carried out by the National Bank of Ukraine, during which banks are required to provide documents and copies thereof containing information constituting bank secrecy.

We recall that it was previously reported that new fines for violating traffic rules will be introduced in Ukraine: what drivers should know.

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