• 26/07/2024 19:59

Ukraine faces 2 war scenarios: NATO said they already know

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If NATO allies do not expand their support to help Ukraine liberate occupied territories, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warns about a possible deterioration of the situation in the country.

This information was reported by Donpress, reports URA-Inform.

He emphasized that there are two options for the development of events in Ukraine: either allies NATO will provide the necessary assistance, which will allow the Ukrainian army to regain control of most of the territories, or without this support, Ukraine risks losing even more land, which will lead to a worsening crisis.

< p>«We are seeing increasing pressure from the Russian armed forces at the front. Russia is increasing the mobilization of its troops. On the other hand, we see that Russia is ready to sacrifice people and military equipment. In this regard, we are talking about the urgent need to strengthen support for Ukraine», — he said.

Stoltenberg stressed that to ensure long-term peace in Ukraine it is extremely important that the country has powerful armed forces.

Recall that Orban made a statement on EU expansion: which country is the politician sees in the European community.

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