• 27/07/2024 00:34

Unusual draft dodgers were detained at the border: the media told the details of the unusual story

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In the Odessa region, border guards detained two men who attempted to illegally cross the border, but encountered an obstacle in the form of an anti-vehicle ditch.

 The press service of the State Border Service of Ukraine reports this, reports URA-Inform.

Border guards noticed two men near the border in the Odessa region. According to the service, after evading Border Patrol, the men attempted to cross an anti-vehicle ditch. They went down into it, but then found themselves in a difficult situation, unable to get back out.

«Border forces had been watching them for some time from the air before providing assistance and detaining the offenders», — noted in the service's message.

At the moment, administrative protocols have been drawn up in relation to the detainees. Their future fate will be determined by the court.

According to preliminary information, the men attempted to evade mobilization in Ukraine and illegally cross the border in order to enter one of the countries of the European Union. However, these data still require confirmation.

It is interesting to note that previously, cases when evaders tried to cross the border, evading the observation of border guards, were quite rare.

Let us recall what drone the Russian Federation used to attack the house in Odessa: Ignat spoke about its features.

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