• 26/07/2024 19:55

Zelensky's ex-ally Boris Shefir called for friendship with the Russian Federation: his brother reacted

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Former first assistant to President Vladimir Zelensky and co-founder of «Kvartal 95» Sergei Shefir responded to statements by his brother Boris about the need to «be friends with Russia».

This information was reported by Radiosvoboda, URA-Inform reports.  

Earlier, Boris Shefir, now living in Germany, expressed dissatisfaction with the situation of the Russian language and culture in Ukraine, calling it «stupidity» destruction of monuments to Pushkin. And he also stated that » in Ukraine the war is with Putin, not with Russia», and with the Russian Federation «you need to be friends» «as soon as they recover from their madness».

How Sergei Shefir reacted to his brother’s words

In response to Boris, Sergei Shefir stated that he «strongly disagree» with the position of his relative.

«Russia is an aggressor and terrorist country that started a war against our country. Russia and Putin personally must be held accountable for crimes committed against Ukrainians. Ukraine needs peace. And the formula for this world is clearly stated by Vladimir Zelensky. His actions as the President of Ukraine, which he does for our victory, I support as a citizen and friend», — stated Sergey Shefir.

He also said that he was born in Krivoy Rog, and it so happened that he lived in a Russian-speaking environment.

«This war was a turning point for me. I began to respect the Ukrainian language even more, as well as our culture and history. But our historical choice is where to go. Go only to the European Union and NATO», — added Sergey Shefir.

We recall that it was previously reported that Bezuglaya came to Ermak’s defense: the people’s deputy wrote the whole “truth” about him.

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