• 26/07/2024 23:59

The main thing for Sunday, December 24: the downed Su-34, explosions in Odessa, Merry Christmas greetings

48 military clashes, enemy shelling, the Mamai drone. How will the 669th day of a full-scale war be remembered?

The main thing for Sunday, December 24: downed Su-34, explosions in Odessa, hello > “Mamai” </p>
<p class=In Odessa on the evening of December 24, a series of explosions were heard. According to the UP correspondent, there were more than five of them.

Previously, the air force had reported a missile threat. After it, the threat of attack UAVs also appeared. OVA called on the Odessa region to be in shelters. In addition, the enemy launched drones into the Khmelnitsky region, towards Starokonstantinov. As you know, there is an airfield there, which the Russians have already attacked several times.

After 22 hours, attack UAVs flew into the Poltava region.

President Vladimir Zelensky congratulated Ukrainians on Christmas.

“Christmas Eve is the time of the longest nights of the year. But tomorrow the day begins to grow, the light begins to win. The light is getting stronger. And step by step, day by day, darkness loses.

And in the end the darkness loses. Evil loses. Today is our common goal, our common dream, and this is precisely what our common prayer is for today. For our freedom. For our victory. For our Ukraine. For a day when we can gather at home for a peaceful year of peaceful Christmas. And let us say to each other: Christ is born! – says Zelensky’s address, recorded in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

The full text of the congratulations is in the news.

Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny congratulated Ukrainian military personnel on the occasion of the Nativity of Christ.

“Dear brothers and sisters! I congratulate you on the bright Feast of the Nativity of Christ! All soldiers, sailors, sergeants and officers, all the warriors who are fighting with arms in hand so that the world is not swallowed up in darkness,” he wrote on Telegram.

The Commander-in-Chief honored the memory of the victims who gave their lives for our country, truth and freedom.

“Christmas is a great holiday of hope and faith. Faith in the victory of light over darkness. Good over evil. I thank every defender, every defender who fights and brings our Victory closer! Christ was born! Let us glorify Him!”, added Zaluzhny.

Meanwhile, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that 48 military clashes took place during the day.

The enemy carried out 29 air strikes and carried out 26 attacks from multiple launch rocket systems on the positions of our troops and populated areas . Russian terrorist attacks have unfortunately resulted in civilian casualties. Private residential buildings and other civilian infrastructure were destroyed and damaged.

The operational situation in the east and south of Ukraine remains difficult.

The enemy is actively using operational-tactical aviation and FPV-type quadcopters, carrying out assault operations with the support of armored vehicles; increased the number of artillery attacks. In the operating zone of the OSUS “Khortitsa” the number of enemy artillery attacks is more than 1000 per day.

More details about the operational situation as of 18:00 on December 24 – in our news.

Tonight the Russian occupiers fired at the village from Smerchs. Sub-middle Kupyansky district. As a result of the hit in a residential building, a fire broke out and two civilians were injured, the prosecutor's office of the Kharkov region reported.

In addition, at about 4:30 the enemy carried out an artillery attack on the town of Kupyansk-Uzlovoy. Private households were damaged.

Under the procedural leadership of the Kupyansk District Prosecutor's Office of the Kharkov Region, pre-trial investigations have been launched into violations of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Defense forces shot down a Su-34 in the Mariupol direction. The enemy plane was hit from an anti-aircraft missile system.

They are also checking data on the impressions of the enemy Su-30, which beat up the Odessa region this evening. This was announced by Air Force Commander Nikolai Oleshchuk.

“In the Odessa direction there was combat work on the Russian Su-30 in the Black Sea – we are studying objective control materials to know for sure whether the target was hit or not. But… our anti-aircraft missile system confirmed the defeat of the Su-34 fighter-bomber in the Mariupol direction! “I didn’t return to the airfield,” he wrote.

This downed Su-34 is the fourth this week. On December 22, in the southern direction, the Ukrainian military shot down three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers at once.

The Security Service of Ukraine conducts successful special operations at sea not only thanks to the Sea Baby drone, but also using another drone called “Mamai”.

The SBU spoke for the first time about the development of these surface drones – to a military journalist Andrey Tsaplienko. “Mamai” is the fastest object in the Black Sea and can accelerate to 110 km/h.

At the same time, “Sea Baby” attacked the Crimean Bridge and other enemy objects.

“This is not just a naval drone, but a multi-purpose platform that is being effectively used today,” said SBU head Vasily Malyuk.

The SBU press service recalled that thanks to the successful attacks of the SBU actually changed the philosophy of naval operations.

More details in the news.

In the Shevchenko district, before the New Year, the shelter that I wrote about was repaired LB. UA back in July. The preliminary estimate for repairing the shelter at Prozorro amounted to almost 4 million UAH.

After the repair, the shelter was equipped with a modern ventilation system, an alarm system in case of fire and a door that automatically opens during an air raid.


In addition to painted walls and floors, new electrical wiring, a shower, boiler, toilet and two washbasins were also installed.

Details are in our news.

The most complete picture of today is on our website. We hope that tomorrow there will be more good news.

Let's hold on and bring Victory closer!


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