• 26/07/2024 23:26

National Guardsmen again destroyed the Russian “Proryv”

The cost of this tank is 4.5 million dollars.

The National Guard again destroyed the Russian

NSU soldier with a drone (archive photo) “Fighters on purpose” another Russian tank.

This was reported by the press service of the Special Purpose Center of the NSU “Omega”.

Omega fighters once again destroyed the Russian T-90M “Proryv” in the Avdeevsky direction.

“The enemy tank was moving towards the forest belt to take up a firing position, but the UAV operators discovered and sent it a “heartfelt congratulation” from the volunteers in the form of a powerful FPV drone charge,” the press service reported.

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The cost of the destroyed T-90M “Proryv” is approximately 4.5 million dollars.

  • Soldiers of the Special Purpose Center “Omega” of the National Guard of Ukraine destroyed the Russian T-90M “Breakthrough” tank.
  • Fighters of the Special Operations Forces (SSO) in the Southern direction helped destroy and damage the heavy equipment of the Russian invaders.

  • Over the course of 10 days of work, one of the attack groups of BpAKs of the 73rd Naval Center of the Special Operations Command destroyed a division of enemy artillery weapons. During aerial reconnaissance in the Kherson direction, operators of one of the MTR units discovered and destroyed the BM-21 Grad MLRS. From it, the enemy army fired at the civilian population of the Nikolaev region.


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