• 26/07/2024 23:31

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany spoke about the fake Russian propaganda among Ukrainian refugees in Germany

The enemy is trying to manipulate the topic of mobilization.

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany spoke about fake Russian propaganda among Ukrainian refugees in Germany

Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Alexey Makeev published what appears to be a fake appeal from Ukrainian, which Russian propaganda spreads among Ukrainians in Germany.

The ambassador wrote about this on his Facebook page.

The document refers to the alleged request of the Ukrainian side to the German Foreign Ministry to provide “information about all adult men participating in the rallies,” which allegedly take place in Germany. in support of the Ukrainian army. This data should supposedly be transferred to the military registration and enlistment offices.

Fake appeal on behalf of the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany

Makeev noticed that the propagandists wrote the document with errors and renamed the German department somehow.

“Russian fake production, however, does not worry about details. And their factory of lies is content. From the unlucky fake it follows that we are asking Germany to provide us with information not even about Ukrainians, but in general about all adult men who take part in some kind of rallies,” the ambassador noted.

He emphasized that “We do not collect any such information and do not plan to collect it” because “we have more important tasks.”

“And the fact that the Russians see Germany’s consistent increase in military support for Ukraine and fearfully and awkwardly call it “increasing actions in support of the Ukrainian army,” it’s still nice,” Makeev added.


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