• 26/07/2024 23:32

The Ministry of Defense released details of the first meeting of the IT coalition steering group

Luxembourg Defense Minister Juriko Backes called on other states that are not part of the IT coalition to join.

The first meeting of the IT coalition steering group was held, at which the next steps and priority purchases were determined.

This is stated on the website of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Estonia and Luxembourg as leading countries of the initiative, as well as Belgium, Great Britain, Denmark, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, the USA and Japan. Representatives of NATO and the EU also joined the event.

During the meeting, Estonia, Luxembourg, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania and the Netherlands confirmed their previously announced contributions to the coalition, which totaled more than 30 million euros. The countries assured their readiness to continue cooperation in the field of digital transformation.

Luxembourg Defense Minister Yuriko Backes called on other states that are not part of the IT coalition to join.

“The efforts of the IT coalition are very important for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A secure and efficient military information and communication infrastructure is the basis for timely decision-making and therefore a prerequisite for successful operations. Luxembourg remains committed to this project as a co-leader of the initiative and the first participant to make a contribution,” Backes emphasized.

  • The IT coalition is a group of states within the Contact Group for the Defense of Ukraine (“Ramstein format”) led by Estonia and Luxembourg. It is focused on providing support to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the field of IT, communications and cybersecurity.
  • The idea of ​​​​creating such a group was supported by participants in the “Ramstein format” meeting in June last year.


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