• 14/03/2025 03:36

“The skin is covered with pain and pain.” Head from HRW investigation about Mariupol and Putin’s crime

Human Rights Watch, SITU Research and Truth Hounds published research dedicated to that's why In the spring of 2022, Russian armies invaded Mariupol. In my opinion, Volodymyr Putin, Sergei Shoigu, Ramzan Kadirov and others may be responsible for the war crimes.

RBC-Ukraine is leading the charge from the great investigation.


  • A short look: Mariupol before the invasion and after
  • Budynok on the Metropolitan and the burial ground under the rubble
  • Shelving booth No. 3 and struggle for survival
  • Priazovsky University and the destruction of the vibukhova diya
  • How they hid the dead and are trying to pamper their graves
  • The Drama Theater and try to cover up the traces of war atrocities

A short look: Mariupol before the invasion and after

Before the Russian assaults, approximately 540 thousand people lived near Mariupol. The place was an important cultural and industrial center; massacre festivals, for example, Gogolfest, were often held there. People came from all over the region to marvel at the regional theater and the concert at the Philharmonic Chamber Hall.

Mariupol had two of the largest metallurgical plants. The city government invested hundreds of millions of dollars in the development of roads, parks and the creation of a daily public transport system. The Sea of ​​Azov was simultaneously both a visitor and a sealed development: through the port of Mariupol, Ukraine shipped vugilla, steel and grain to various parts of the world.

The full-scale Russian invasion began on February 24, 2022. The battles between parts of the Russian Federation and forces from the occupied areas of Donbas lasted for almost three months. For the aggressor, the burial of Mariupol is of little strategic importance as an element of the land corridor near Crimea, controlled since 2014.

Already before the 2nd of March, the Russians completely retreated from their place and began to push through to the central part. Mariupol was bombed from the wind, shelled from tanks, mortars and important artillery. Many residents were deprived of their homes and moved to the basements; until the beginning of the birch in New York, approximately 450 thousand people were deprived, who either could not or did not want to evacuate.

During the fighting, a lot of critical infrastructure was damaged. Mariupol was left without light, water, heat and communication. Until the 13th quarter, the occupiers buried most of the city, and on the 21st Moscow announced their burial. In the middle of the grass, the bars of the Ukrainian garrison, which were captured at Azovstal, were full.

The fighting changed its place to the point of unknown: the place of Budinki – ruins, near the courtyards – graves. Thousands of people died near Mariupol, and from the point of view of the scale of the ruin, it became one of the worst-affected places in Ukraine.

Human Rights Watch, SITU Research, and Truth Hounds conducted a comprehensive project documenting the existence of traffickers in Mariupol. Without the possibility of collecting information on the spot, hundreds of evacuated Mariupol residents were identified, 850 photos and video recordings were analyzed, satellite images of storehouses were analyzed. To assess the scale of the ruins, human rights experts looked at a quarter in the central part. Extensive investigation was carried out to identify specific individuals and commanders responsible for the war crimes.

At their work, the stench was concentrated in the ruins of the central street of the city – Mira Avenue. A plot of approximately 14 square meters was planted. km (close to a quarter of the outer square of Mariupol). On this account, 4884 violations were tracked or new ones were completed. For the accuracy of the scale of the ruins, three-dimensional models of seven buildings were created. You can find out more about the instructions.

One ​​is a large apartment booth, another is a doctor's office, and another is a university. Also, the investigation has a private booth, a commercial building with a bank, a shopping center, a gaming square, a place in the center of the place in the neoclassical style and the heart of Mariupol – the drama theater.

With the advent of war, these former beginnings turned into hiding, and then into the place of death. After the assault on Mariupol, two years passed, which largely switched to other hot spots, but for people, life never returned to normal. The occupiers will wear out the new ones and there will be a new place with Russian guises, the wines will not be attracted to the same level. Mariupol, as the local residents knew, actually does not sleep.

Budynok on the Metropolitan and the burial place under the rubble

The investigation reveals the history of the booth at the address of Metropolitan, 98, and the birthplace of the Antipenkivs – Ivan, Christina and the territorial Dona Arina. On the cob of the birch tree above the budinka, planes circled menacingly, the area was shelled from tanks, and the basement was given over to the safest shelters. People went out into the streets at random times to get water and cook their food.

At approximately 15:00 on the 11th, the moon burst into shock: an air bomb collapsed the central section – all five surfaces, and people were buried under the noise. Those who, having lost their lives, called for help, the neighbors sensed stogin, the soldiers were afraid to go through the shelling. In the basement, charred bodies lay on the underside, and nothing was lost from the placement.

Telegram chats were filled with messages from people who were pranking relatives. There was no information about this Antipenkov family. On Easter Day, the 24th quarter, a group of people discovered the body of a child, and through a series of works, they recovered 17 bodies and fragments of the bodies of the dead. According to the words of the robotics, the child’s body fit the description of the tricrian Arini. For two months in the ruins, they found the phone number of Khristina Antipenko with three unknown messages since the 6th of February “Mommy, I’m alive. I’m fine. I love you

It took many months before the hourly morgue, where the dead from this Mariupol were taken. Then I found a photo of Arina’s body in the database under the number 1734 roku. On the Starokrymsky District it turned out that in the place of 1734, I ordered from the cross a photo of another little girl – Eva, who died under the shelling of a car. The family mistook Arina's body for the body of their daughter. Stefania obtained permission from the woman for exhumation and transferred her to another Ukrainian place. The body of Ivan and Christ was not known, they are considered “known unknowns”, who have seen everything, their remains were ruined among the remains of thousands of other people. At the end of 2022, Stefania transferred her DNA samples to the occupying power; at the time of publication of the evidence, she still did not reject the results of the analysis.

“Before I was my mother and grandmother, now I am neither then. For me “My family was a treasure trove, I lived joyfully and happily, and now I have lost nothing. I bless God for only one thing – to know the bodies of the children and to grab them so that the stinks would be around me,” the woman snarled.

Bedroom no. 3 that struggle for survival

In the surrounding areas of Mariupol, fighting between Ukrainian troops and pro-Russian formations raged for five years in 2014. Since then, local residents have been near the frontline zone. But despite all the fates, no one could realize that their loved ones would perish in the streets, under the rubble, and Mariupol would come under the control of the Russian Federation.

“There the street is bleeding , pain and grief. This is a trauma that means being deprived of life for a long time – perhaps for several generations,” – even one of those evacuated.

Mariupol has changed beyond recognition in 2-3 years. Approximately two and a half kilometers from booth No. 98 on Mitropolitskaya stood the blue-green booth of hospital No. 3, the main hospital in Mariupol for women and children. People came here for gynecological care, and people brought in sick children.

Dozens of people thought that in the territory of the medicinal stench there would be a carelessness and a gathering in the underground shelter. This is an old, reliable, but cold bunker; the temperature dropped below zero that night. To survive, you had to fight for your skin: where to get water, food and medicine.

At approximately 14:50 on the 9th, a strong bulge was felt, and as a result, the canopy department and the children's diagnostic center were damaged. Patients and doctors rushed to the door, police and volunteers carried out the wounded Irina Kalinina, who had previously been killed by Caesar. Within a few years, Irina died, and the child also perished. Some of the hospital's doctors and patients fell down at the door after the impact. Doctors performed simple operations, bandaged wounds, gave injections, and worked out tricks. Shelling of medicinal plants with a stretch of birch.

Thousands of Mariupol residents all over the place were in the same grave minds and desperately tried to survive. Without drinking water, people collected plank water and melted the snow. Tim, who was in the bunker at the doctor's office, could say he was lucky: there was a great old tank of water in it. Not far from the park there was a spring, but walking there was not safe.

“The road to the well was all strewn with corpses. Those who had the courage to go to the well often turned to us already as patients, without an arm or without a leg,” guesses a woman named Diana.


Significantly, with the flat booth No. 3 there will be another episode of knitting. One of the victims was blogger Marianna Vishemirska, who had been in the canopy department. ZMI has widely circulated her photos, where she is wrapped up in a carpet, and there is blood on her face. Soon after the curtains, she lost her place and now lives near Moscow. At the beginning of 2024, she published a post about those who subscribed to the support of Volodymyr Putin, which will be converted to the devil's term.

Azov University and Zbroya Vibukhova Diya

9 weeks before the air bomb was dropped on the canopy booth No. 3, the air force hit the Azov State Technical University. Before the war, there were close to 200 programs in operation, which were studied by modern engineers, metallurgists, transport workers, economists and IT specialists.

One ​​of the reports, which was taken at the moment of hitting the phone, Mikhailo Purishev bu in Vlasnik restaurant Evo, rosted Students often dropped in there to have a snack in between classes and to catch up with friends. Otherwise, there was no one there anymore. They no longer enrolled at the university they attended, but rather gloated.

“I'm sure that it's just miserable there. This is the first time in my life that I've cried,” he says.

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Purishev recorded the destruction and posted photos and videos in real time on Telegram, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and other social media. Having analyzed the destruction near the central part of Mariupol with the help of satellite images and information from open mines, legal experts established that out of 89 initial deposits in Mariupol, 86 – 15 people were damaged 15 universities were affected, and 71 out of 74 schools were affected.

During this hour, while the Russian troops were storming Mariupol, the stagnation of the military force led to numerous casualties. The place was steadily bombarded by tanks, important artillery, mortars and rocket launchers, and was subject to rocket and bomb attacks.

The vibukhovaya action has a large impact radius and is not intended for high-precision strikes. Ruinous action manifested itself in an attack on booth No. 67 on Mar'inska Balka Street within 10 minutes of walking from the PDTU. In this area there were private cabins, according to eyewitnesses, the shelling destroyed at least 15 of them.

Mariupolets Vladislav Rospov, that on the night of 10, Birch was sleeping together with his family in the basement, when the flight passed and the moon passed with a heavy swell. The booth started to get caught up, and the stele simply collapsed on their heads; on the contrary, the booth began to be burned. As a result, two women were crushed to death, the stinkers called for help, and as a result they were burned by live bait.

Mar'inska Balka is just one of the many areas that suffered from the outbreak of Vibukhov's disease. Having analyzed satellite images, as well as published photos and videos, the reliability of which could be confirmed, the investigators found that in the central part of Mariupol, 54% of people were injured (488 4 z 9043). Of the large apartment buildings, 93% (433 out of 477) were damaged, and of the private ones – perhaps half.

How they buried the dead and are trying to protect their lives

In front of people's eyes, whole areas were immediately re-created on the battlefield , and then on the tsvintari. A man named Stanislav 8 took care of his home in order to take his disabled friend to the top of the pile a second kilometer from booth No. 67 on Mar'inskiy Baltsa. There are banks, shops, a shopping center and a children's square.

Smoke a lot of wine, having raised three wives and two children, after which a large and important vibuh was warmed up, Stanislav soaked up the bright sleepers and the clubs of smoke. Having collapsed in the judge's booth, for 10 minutes he turned around to marvel that there were no casualties, and gained five bodies. Together with a friend, he moved them to the children's square, which became the hour's grave.

While the battles were raging, people were often not incapable of laying hold of loved ones or simply dead ones. Some bodies were simply buried on the foundation of a hut or on a football field, and a self-made wooden cross was placed on the hourly grave. Sometimes, if the front line was close, they dug a trench and stored 200 tons in it.

Death was passing through Mariupol, the bodies of the dead lay < /p>

“I immediately sensed how things were going wrong at the booths – from the other side, from the side of the theater. I began to laugh, as the whole town began to choke,” says Vin.

A man ran out and screamed, and was brought into the booth, and in the middle there were people who needed help. Rostislav and two other men rushed in the middle, went up to the ruined apartment, and saw a friend couple, who, a stone's throw away from the strike, rose to speak. Both were crushed by the wall, the woman and the man died. The coming day, Rostislav, giving up his life, walked from Mariupol, walked 30 km. Those who drove the car on the move, gathered at the Prospekt Mira colony, 42 being one of the collection points) and headed towards Zaporizhzhya. The official evacuation began just after the 30th quarter. Many people have flown, having deprived their lost relatives without worship. The remains were chewed until the cruel fate of 2023.

Based on an analysis of five mass burials, it was established that between 2022 and 2023, a minimum of 10,284 individuals were buried. This is a minimal assessment, the real number of lost, melodiously, meaningful things. First of all, not all the remains were exhumed; otherwise, a few graves were buried at some graves. At least 8 thousand people from this number perished either immediately as a result of military operations, or through their efforts – the lack of medical assistance, clean water, etc.

Experts from Human Rights Watch, SITU Research and Truth Hounds have identified several monuments in the area, including many graves of Suttevo: Starokrymsky, Novotroitsky, Pavlivsky and Vinogradny. Thousands of people were buried here either in individual graves or in trench-type graves. In addition, hundreds of burials have been discovered in the village of Mangushi at the exit from Mariupol. The individuals of the rich have not yet been identified.

Significantly, according to the Ukrainian side, at least 20 thousand civilians died in the city.

Drama theater and try to cover up the tracks of military atrocities

For the rich residents of Mariupol, the collective trauma associated with the death of such a large number of people is aggravated by the fact that the place, as it seems, is losing its guise. Before the Russian invasion, the drama theater was an iconic center of culture. The pediment of the theater was decorated with statues of a steelworker, a miner and an excavator, who stood in serene muses.

On February 16, 2022, hundreds of people were in New York. The word “Children” was written on the white pavement by majestic letterers. Just before noon, the flight dropped two air bombs. As a result, the central part of the dahu, as well as part of the ground and surface walls, was built. The exact number of bent dossi has not been established. Legal experts have reliably confirmed the death of 15, and according to the Ukrainian authorities, there are about a hundred.

With the advance of fate, the occupation power completely destroyed the theater and surrounded the territory with a high park. The year 2023 has a list of 459 projects to be announced. At the same time, two Russian companies have built a building No. 98 on Metropolitan. The Serpny Ministry of Buddhism of the Russian Federation voted on the plan to “renovate” Mariupol in three days. It was developed by the Unified Russian Institute of Spatial Planning.

Hundreds of thousands of Mariupol residents are afraid to live outside the boundaries of their place. Some of them happened to migrate to other regions of Ukraine, and some of them are abroad as refugees. In this case, part of the matter is respected by the unknown.

On February 25, 2023, the Russian government invaded the river and held a concert at the Moscow Luzhniki Stadium. For many years, 19 February, two days after the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Volodymyr Putin, it arrived unsolicitedly in Mariupol.

Putin arrived in the morning by helicopter, passing Mira Avenue, looking around at the newly built drama theater, I will wake up the Mariupol Philharmonic. The occupiers present everyday work as a kind of “rebirth”, and they also respect Mariupol residents in an attempt to preserve their history.

“Here Iz is a leather park, with a lean woker, I had a yaki -lovy spogadi. Kolya was erased by Pam'yat, ninice of ditinism, twiyu widespread, kudi tuzhaly will not turn around,” – as one, one iz Misssevich Meshskanz.

dir=”ltr”>More changes are pending. Readers are encouraged to sign a document indicating their readiness to switch to the Russian program. The story in it is presented from the Kremlin’s position: Ukraine is portrayed as a power that is neither sovereign nor independent. The occupiers renamed a lot of streets and squares, giving them Radian names. TV programs will appear in Russian, access to the Internet will be provided through Russian servers, access to Ukrainian blocking sites.

As in other occupied territories, there will be someone who dares to act against them minam or vistupatime against war and occupation, there is a threat of suppression, weakening of will, or violence.


In order to identify individuals of Russian military leaders and connections who may be responsible for breaking the laws of war and military atrocities in Mariupol, a great deal of work was carried out in collecting and publishing publications from Russian social media Other reports and press, obituaries of the Russian military, official statements of Russian government officials and military leaders, as well as photos and video materials.

Legal authorities respect, based on the principle of command responsibility, before military atrocities can be attributed to the attack of 10 people:

  • Volodymyr Putin is the President of Russia and Supreme Commander

  • Sergiy Shoigu – Minister of Defense< /p>

  • Valery Gerasimov – First Deputy Minister of Defense and Chief of the General Staff

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  • Sergiy Rudsky is the first intercessor of the Chief of the General Staff

  • Oleksandr Dvornikov – at that time the military commander of the Pivdennoye Military District

  • Viktor Zolotov – Chief Commander of the Russian Guard

  • Andriy Mordvichov – commander of the 8th Foreign Army< /p>

  • Ramzan Kadirov – the head of Chechnya and the head of the Chechen bastards

  • Adam Delimkhanov – commander of the Chechen paramilitaries near Mariupol

  • Denis Pushilin – a member of the so-called “DPR”

Also these individuals, and perhaps other individuals from among the commanders of the 17 present in Mariupol, may be investigated to determine whether they are responsible for military misdeeds.

“Actually It's my fault brought, they may be drawn to the point of certainty. The task of killing may be punished either directly to the victims of illegal acts, or, in case of their death, to their relatives. It is important that all international cooperation The majority was involved in the work from ensuring justice and attracting the perpetrators to justice, leaving “This will demonstrate the certainty of punishment for violating the laws of war,” says the witness.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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