Pensions in Ukraine will increase after indexation. Pensioners with a “minimal salary” can also insure their pensions. Subsidies will be paid without change until the end of the burning season. During that same period, fixed utility tariffs.
Report on the situation with pensions, subsidies and the availability of housing and public utilities services in Bereznia – in the materials of RBC-Ukraine below.
During the preparation, the following were compiled: publications on the PFU portal, Cabinet Resolution No. 185, an addition from Prime Minister Denis Shmigal on Telegram, a draft Cabinet resolution on the website of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine, a statement from the Minister of Energy of Ukraine German Galushchenko on air during the telethon.
- Indexation 2024. Who needs to raise pensions by how much?
- Minimum pension increases. How does age and length of service affect the amount of payments
- Subsidies. Will it be easier to get rid of benefits?
- Housing and communal services tariffs. How to pay for pensions?
Indexation 2024. Who should pay for pensions by how much
With the first pandemic in Ukraine there will be a rapid indexation of pensions. Having appointed Prime Minister Denis Shmigal, pay an increase of 8% – on average by 322 UAH. After the change, the average pension amount is 5,717 UAH.
The indexation coefficient in 2024 will become 1.0796. This indicator reflects inflation and the increase in the average wage for the past river.
The size of the extension cannot be smaller for 100 UAH or larger for 1,500 UAH.
Carry out indexation for 10 million Ukrainians:
pensioners who do not work;
pensioners of law enforcement agencies;
“Chornobyls” with disabilities;
Disability pensions based on military service personnel;
the removal of disability pensions, which came as a result of the death of the child from the workplace or from occupational illness;
deduction of pensions for special services to Ukraine, established for the rehabilitated fighters for the independence of Ukraine in the 20th century in the amount of 4200 UAH.
state servicemen, activists of municipal self-government bodies, deputies and retired scientists.
Significantly, automatic pension adjustments for working pensioners with updated insurance coverage will be carried out from the 1st quarter of 2024.
Photo: Bereznia’s pensions will increase by 322 UAH on average (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
This month, together with indexation, pensions will be increased to increase the cost of living in Ukraine.
Although this figure has changed since 1st 2024 , in one of the fundamental provisions of the law on the State Budget, it was stated that there was a mess Pensions with the new level of the subsistence minimum will be increased simultaneously with a sharp indexation.
For unforeseen situations, the subsistence minimum with the new fate has been set at the level of 2,361 UAH On this basis, from 1st February 2024, the due payment will increase:
- additional payments for excess length of service for non-working pensioners – from 20.9 to 23.6 UAH per additional pension;
- individual allowances and additional payments before pension;
- Minimum pension payments for individuals with short experience – from 2,520 UAH to 2,725 UAH;
- Maximum pension – from 20,930 UAH to 23,610 UAH
The age of a pensioner and the accumulated insurance period contribute to the amount of payments. In case of 1st pregnancy, the following minimal payments will be guaranteed:
unprofitable pensioners from 65 years of age with extended insurance experience (30/35 years for women and men generally) – the pension cannot be lower for 3,370 UAH.
- < p dir="ltr" role="presentation">Pensioners up to 70 years of age with obvious experience 30 years of age for women and 35 years of age for men – the pension cannot be lower for 2,980 UAH.
Pensioners from 70 to 80 years of age with evidence of 30/35 years of experience – the pension cannot be lower for 3,240 UAH.
Pensioners over 70 years of service with less than 30/35 years of service – the minimum pension is calculated in the amount proportional to the completed insurance period, resulting from with a minimum payment of 3,240 UAH.
pensioners aged 75 to 80 years with extensive experience 20 years for women and 25 years for men – the pension cannot be lower for 3,240 UAH.
Pensioners over 80 years of age with 20/25 years of experience are subject to the status – the pension cannot be lower for 3,370 UAH.
The burning season will continue, and with it the payment of subsidies that were assigned for the period from the beginning of 2023 to the beginning of 2024.
The right to compensation for expenses for housing and public utility services in the country is subject to economic rule, which is spent on 15% of the total income for utilities.
In addition, for This season is an experimental project of subsidies for communities using hard wood and wood burning wood.
Photo: Subsidim to Kinzi Oplyuvalnaya season (vital nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
at the Cabinet of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council of Council 49.9 billion UAH were allocated for housing and communal subsidies for 3.2 million Ukrainian families.
The amount of subsidies may be increased, and the government also plans to soften the amount of assistance provided. The new rule is to increase the permissible amount of debt.
The subsidy is determined because in the state there is no debt for utilities and if the debt is extended for 3 months, the debt does not exceed 40 non-compliant minimum incomes (680 UAH) at a time for all services. The draft new resolution on the rules for the recognition of subsidies suggests that it is acceptable to obstruct the household economy for 680 UAH for one utility service.
Housing and communal services tariffs. What kind of advancement will there be?
During the war period in Ukraine, a moratorium on some housing and public utility tariffs has been ordered, in which case services may become unnecessarily expensive.
By its resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers defended the increased availability of hot water, central Called scorching and gas for an hour after I will become a military man even after my death.
The moratorium does not apply to the supply of cold water and electricity, so their availability is not fixed.
The price of light during the war has already increased by 70% and reached 2.64 UAH/kW-year. There is an opportunity to save on the “nightly” tariff – for medical professionals, 1 kilowatt-year costs 1.23 UAH.
According to the words of the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Galushchenko, the possibility of further increasing the availability of electricity for the population was not visible. Current tariffs will be reduced until the end of the 2024 season – until the end of the burning season.
Photo: Bereznya’s utility tariffs will not change (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)< /em>
Cold water
The speed of supplying cold water was increased several times per hour. The National Commission for Regulation of Energy and Utilities (NKREKP) planned to gradually introduce new tariffs for water utilities in the region, which on average are 30% higher per flow (for example, for Kiev, the new tariff was introduced at the rate of 4 0.77 UAH/cub.m. 1st quarter 2024 versus the lowest 30.38 UAH/cub.m).
The need for this term was explained by the increased availability of electricity, as well as the warehouse tariff for water. Through criticism of the authorities, who had already praised the decision of the NKREKP in 2023, they were told off, the pro-Commission again turns to this food. The project for increasing water tariffs is planned to be submitted for consideration at upcoming meetings.
More report on all the changes in the 2024 year in Ukraine can be read in the accompanying material from RBC-Ukraine.