• 14/03/2025 14:55

Large-scale protests by farmers have begun in Poland

Polish farmers again ruled behind-the-scenes national protests. In many towns there were traffic jams and crossroads, and some farmers blocked roads and intersections with tractors.

RBC-Ukraine reported this on RMF 24.

Following the data of the Polish police, actions were carried out voiced in 580 cities with a total number of participants up to 70 thousand people.

Protest directly, directly, against the so-called “Green Land” to protect the climate and create more serenity, as well as cheaply the import of agricultural products from Ukraine.

#ProtestRolników na drodze z Poznania do Komornik. Zamiast blokady, jízda kolumną maszyn w żółwim tempie w te iz powrotem. Ponad połowa ze 100 planowanych protestów w Wielkopolsce już rozpoczęta. Wg. @PolicjaWlkp uczestniczy they are ok. 16 thousand. osob. @RadioZET_NEWS pic.twitter.com/0WcudqQsue — Krzysztof Grządzielski (@kgrzadzielski) March 20, 2024

Ulicami Gdańska przechodzi właśnie #ProtestRolnikow . Rolnicy maszerują przy piosenkach patriotycznych, w tim „Żeby Polska była Polską”. Rolnicy zmontowali też własnego AgroAbramsa, on yakoma wisi transparent „Przepraszamy za utrudnienia, mamy Zielony Ład do obalenia”. pic.twitter.com/I9AvnUNfwF – Marcin Krzeszowiec (@MarcinCzytelnik) March 20, 2024

Rolnicy zablokowali ul. Francuską w Katowicach #TVSNews #ProtestRolnikow pic.twitter.com/ZsbIbLarog – Telewizja TVS (@TelewizjaTVS) March 20, 2024

DK 92 on wschód ід Warszawy oblężona przez traktory #ProtestRolników #rolnicy #blokada #traktory pic.twitter.com/O3CNVGsvKe — Agro Profil Magazyn Rolniczy (@AgroProfil) March 20, 2024

Protests of farmers near Poland

Polish farmers blocked one of the checkpoints from Slovakia. Farmers claim that the protest has started through those whose very roads in Poland import agricultural products from Ukraine and Russia.

Following the latest data, the blockade will last until the end. Farmers plan to skip one crop per year. At the same time, the “freeze” for passenger transport and buses will not be introduced.

In addition, the DPSU spoke about the situation at the border with Poland. Riverman of the State Cordon Service of Ukraine Andriy Demchenko stated that there are no daily changes, but Polish farmers will continue to block the flow of important transport services.

Polish ZMI informs that the Polish Vlada signed an agreement with farmers about subsidies per ton of grain and immediately close the border with Ukraine for the transit of various agricultural products.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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