In the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation there were vibrations on the night of the 5th quarter. There was also a boom in the area of the airport.
RBC-Ukraine reports about this via a message sent to the SHO Telegram channel.
Residents of the area report about 10 vibukhs.
“More than 10 vibukhs swam over Yysk near the Krasnodar region, according to the latest information, a PPO is operating over the place,” they wrote on the SHOT channel.
As local residents told Dzherel, there were close to 3 vibukhs good night. There was also the sound of gunfire in the area of the Mistevoy airfield.
“The sound of loud bangs was also almost the sound of machine guns in the area of the Mistsevoy airfield and the Viyskovy town,” – reported on the channel.
Official Information in English did not happen.
Airfield Yysk
At the town of Yysk there is a new airfield base. The 570 aircraft repair plant of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation operates under new conditions. At this time, this airfield is one of the strategically important objects, some of which are being used by the Russians for attacks on the territory of Ukraine.
Previously we wrote that the partisans had discovered an airfield near Yisku, which is being used by the Russians. F for attacks on Ukraine.< /p>
Before speaking, this airfield has repeatedly become a target for strikes in connection with bases on the new strategic aviation of the Russian Federation. For example, in the harsh year of 2023, in the Russian town of Yisk, vibukhs appeared in the area of the airfield.
In the middle of 2022, a military flyer fell on the living quarters of the Russian town of Yysk. Over 10 people died.
Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.