• 12/03/2025 12:56

Smog near the capital. Why is the intensity of the wind in Kiev an anti-record and what to do with it?

On Friday, the 20th of Wednesday, in Kiev, a sharp increase in windy Recently, the capital of Ukraine has rated the city online with a high level of congestion. It is important for the population to take care of their health and to go out on the streets without unnecessary consumption once again.

RBC-Ukraine reports that they know about this situation and how people can take care of their health.


  • Why is there an anti-record for the wind in Kiev
  • In some areas the situation with the wind is at its worst
  • How can residents and guests of the capital take care of their health?
  • What fines should be imposed on residents for spitting grass

Why is the severity of the wind in Kiev an anti-record

The worst of the wind near the capital was recorded on the 7th day of Friday, 20th of Sunday. The Department of Defense and Adaptation to Climate Change of the KMDA clarified that in the wind of Kiev there is an increase in the concentration of important particles (pilus).

Over the year it became clear that data from the wired light postal data from IQAir, the capital of Ukraine at the current hour of the settlement first place in the middle of the world – through the unsatisfactory brightness of the wind.

175 points recorded in Kiev, let’s talk about those who are “unhealthy” in the city.

Position Kiev in the anti-rating (screenshot: iqair.com/world-air-quality-ranking)

The head of the department of the Center for Community Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Anatoly Operchuk, explained in the commentary to RBC-Ukraine , that this situation arose for several reasons:

  • through the mountainous peat bogs near the capital
  • through the warm, dry and windless weather that is on the horizon for spring

“The reason for the cloudiness of the storm is that a lot of factors came together in one place,” he said with respect.

Operchuk explained that the peat bogs near Kiev are burning at once. In addition, at this early hour, many people take transport and go to the capital to work. Finally, the weather also plays a role.

“I live near the seaside zone. The temperature was around 5-6 degrees Celsius, and there was no wind at all. So all the minds were put together to ensure that all the gases that can be seen from automobile gases in, they didn’t bloom anywhere,” – respected by the expert.

In his words, in this weather “there is no temperature inversion” – so that all the unkind speeches go down the drain. Their exhaustion literally “pushed” them to the ground. Well, these are the main reasons why the world in the city has become so cloudy.

“Whoever has lived in Kiev for a long time knows that there were critical moments in us due to the difficulties of the wind in 2019 and 2020, when peat bogs were burning in the same place, just as autumn began. la similar, otherwise The weather is warm in the spring, there is no wind, and the weather is warm and dry. to blame, the Russians are hiding this – they are specially creating a fall. It’s a pity, we need to be prepared before such situations may arise in the future,” said the spyrozmonnik.

The situation in the wind near Kiev you can get an unbroken eye (photo: Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on Facebook also reported that the clouding was caused by wind changes and minor zhezh in ecosystems – zokrema on peat fields and in the closed territories of Kiev, Chernihiv and Sumy regions.

“According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, the accumulation of poor houses near the surface of the atmosphere is accompanied by a weak wind, a wind-like wind,” the agency clarified.

It also means that the territory as a whole ії Ukraine's anti-liquidation regime will destroy 21 large-scale fires in ecosystems (the ground area is approximately 2,200 hectares). Before the operational acquisition, approximately 860 units and 201 units of DSNS equipment, as well as 3 fire drafts of Ukrzaliznytsia, have been received.

Addition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (screenshot: facebook.com/mvs.gov.ua)

In some areas the situation is worse than ever < p>KMDA has discovered that the air quality index (Common Air Quality Index or CAQI) is formed automatically based on the indicators of several main pollutants:

  • PM2.5 and PM10 (parts of the saw)
  • SO2 (sulfur dioxide)
  • NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
  • O3 (ground-level ozone)
  • CO (carbon oxide)

That is why the lower CAQI indicator, the better the brightness of the surface.

“Gradation” of CAQI display (screenshot: asm.kyivcity.gov.ua)

If you follow the atmospheric air and radiation background in real time mode, you can:

  • or on the map as ordered
  • or in addition “Kiev Digital”

Based on data collected at stationary atmospheric wind monitoring stations in various parts of the capital, the radiation background in the area varies from 0.10 to 0.12 μSv/year.

At which monitoring at various points on the right birch of Kiev the street is like this:

  • on the street. Turivska, 28 – 89 (high level of obstruction)
  • on the street. Kitaivska, 22 – 90 (high level of obstruction)
  • on the street. Shchuseva, 20 – 100 (high level of congestion)
  • on European Union Avenue, 64-G – 100 (high level of obstruction)
  • on Beresteysky Avenue, 97 – 100 (high level of obstruction)

On the left birch of the capital The cost index of the building is as follows:

  • on the street. Architect Verbitsky, 26 – 74 (middle level of obstruction)
  • on the street. Kharkivske Shosse, 7/1 – 100 (high level of obstruction)

Atmospheric wind and radiation background (screenshot: asm.kyivcity.gov.ua)

How to protect the health of residents and guests of the capital

According to the words of Anatoly Operchuk, in the situation of confusion, people can:

  • legenevy illnesses: asthma, chronic bronchitis< /li>
  • enjoy overall health

“Looking at it, first of all, there is no need to go out into the street without any need. In other words, almost all of our sports jogging, cycling and so on – better than today, don’t bother. Thirdly, if you need to go out On the street, if a person is suffering from illness, it is important to lighten the mask. It is important that the gauze mask is filled with just water. bring the mask to life with this water From soda,” the expert was pleased.

The madman, first of all, needs to close all the windows and doors. How air conditioners work, it’s better to turn them on.

“If you don’t have a good air conditioner, it’s about 10 years old, it’s better not to turn it on,” said Operchuk.

Vin added , that in these villages, where people live so long before they get sick, you can cover the windows and doors with gauze.

You also need to drink more water (this can be green tea).

“Don’t drink kava, but green tea will be brown. It can be minimally salted. Just as you clean the air in your house, turn it down again. Put the wine in, pour down the ale. there won’t be any significant effect,” says the specialist.

How to protect yourself cloudy wind (infographics: facebook.com/mvs.gov.ua)

In addition, if possible, you need to rinse your nose more often, wipe the nasal cavity with a cotton swab (especially for children). x respectfully It’s time to eat. Helpful and healthy food. Infection, even a lot of vegetables, fruits: eat them and eat more. Give us health,” – pleased Operchuk.If someone’s health deteriorates significantly due to congestion and a cough develops, the CGZ should not indulge in self-care – in fact, do not contact your family doctor.

“The reasons for the deterioration may be there will be carnage “Nutrition in the fact that congestion can trigger other reactions in the body and chronic illnesses, which can be activated,” the manager said. submitted to the Center for Community Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

What fines should be imposed on citizens for spitting grass

Varto points out that these actions can be blamed for the inheritance of human ill-being. Thus, in Ukraine, the burning of the yields of the harvest, as well as domestic and industrial activities is being protected.

For such actions, which do not threaten the nature with fires, and otherwise have a negative impact on the pollution in general, citizens can write a fine.< /p>

When such an offense is detected, inspectors draw up protocols on administrative offenses under Article 152 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses (CUAP) and for violations of the Landscaping Rules. The amount of fines in this case can range from 340 UAH to 1360 UAH.

According to the words of the head of the “Municipal Varta” of the city of Vinnytsia, Vitaliy Chigur, in this community, mobile groups patrol the territory vigorously yu – for spitting dry dew.

“Obviously, special attention is concentrated on the private sector, where the bourgeoisie clean up the city and burn down the gratings of the bush… Inspectors will be able to record the excesses of the smoldering area – which will also serve as a basis for attracting power to the level of Nika Domovolodinnya,” Vine said.

In addition, Ukrainians will be subject to statutory fines for burning grass and starting fires in nature. And the axis for the destruction of the forest by fire can be punished for the fire.

Administrative support for criminals (infographics: minjust.gov.ua)

Let’s remember, on the 16th of spring there was a forest fire near Vishgorod near the Kiev region. In connection with this, the Vlada of Kiev informed the capital's residents about the significant decrease in the wind's bitterness, and also subsequently gave consistent recommendations.

In addition, the posters will burn more severely were traveling near the Kharkov region. The forests there caught fire, after which the fire spread to the Kiev district of the city of Kharkov.

Read also how the Russians are dropping plaques on the territory of Ukraine due to the frenzy.

During the preparation of the material there was vicoristano the following: official portal of the KMDA, IQAir rating, commentary by the head of the department of the Center for Community Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine Anatoly Operchuk for RBC-Ukraine, Telegram channel “Good evening, from Kiev”, press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine on Facebook, Department of Defense and Adaptation to Climate Change of the Viconna Council of the Kyiv Municipality, Press Service of the Vinnytsia Municipality, Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

>Terms and important information about the Russian war against Ukraine, read on the RBC-Ukraine channel on Telegram.

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