The burning season is about to start, so utility bills for Ukrainians will increase The amount of subsidies will change. In this case, there are no plans to increase housing and communal services tariffs, and for certain residents there will still be a reduced price for light. Pensions will increase even more for the addition of new bonuses on an individual basis.
A report on changes in the social sphere from the new month – in the material of RBC-Ukraine.
- Subsidies for the burning season. Who needs to draw up
- Tariffs in life. Who benefits from the light
- If we promote pensions
Subsidies for the burning season. Who needs to formalize
The burning season is about to begin for the harvester. The specific date remains in the hands of the weather minds and the appropriate decision of the local authorities. In addition, the subsidy for housing and communal services during the fall period is covered from 1 quarter to 30 quarters.
According to the Pension Fund, most households will automatically continue to receive a subsidy for the 2024/2025 burning season, since they were assigned a “summer” subsidy, which amounted to 0.00 UAH. For people who during the summer period received not a subsidy, but a benefit for housing and communal services, the subsidy will also be increased automatically. There is no need to apply additionally for re-registration.
In the end, Ukrainians will have to submit documents for a subsidy in the following years:
- if the documents for the subsidy are submitted first;
- if there were changes in the warehouse of registered persons, changes in the social status, income, etc.;
- if the subsidy for the non-paying period was approved through borgs, daily income then;
- for the recognition of a subsidy for the supply of gas, solid and rare firewood.
Photo: subsidies for the fall season are assigned from the fall (
Varto indicate that the economy will increase to the PFU for the withdrawal of subsidies for the period until November 30, 2024, and will be assigned from the fall of 2024.
The application and declaration of income can be submitted online to the Portal of electronic services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, to the mobile application of the Pension Fund, through the portal “Diya”, or offline in the offices of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, CNAPs, and local authorities. You can also send documents by mail to the address of the PFU.
For subsidies for the burning season 2024/2025, the income of members of the household for the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2024 is insured. For pensioners – the amount of payments for the period of income.
Tariffs in Zhovtni. Who benefits from the light
The electricity supply for daily living in the village becomes 4.32 UAH/kW-year. Vlasniks of double-zone doctors from 23:00 to 07:00 pay for the service 2.16 UAH/kW-year, and in other years – at a special rate.
Households that operate electrical installations during the heating season (from the 1st quarter of 2024 to the 30th quarter of 2025) can deduct a discount on light and pay a tariff of 2.64 UAH/kW-year, depending on Electricity per month does not exceed 2000 kW.
Obov'yazkova Umova, removing the pellets for light – registering the electrical burn in the established order.
For which the resident must contact the local operator of the electricity distribution system with an application and technical documentation for ownership (a copy of the electrical supply project for the household resident, supporting documents commissioning of an electrical heating installation).
And for business, light prices can rise. The change in tariffs of NKREKP will be reviewed on the 1st of June. In times of praise, the stench will come in order in the leaf fall.
Photo: preferential tariff for light duty for householders of electrical heating (Vitaliy Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
The decision is to lose utility tariffs without change. The moratorium during the war period prevented the availability of heating, hot water and gas services. There is also no information about the increase in tariffs for cold water.
When increasing pensions
The restructuring of pension payments in Ukraine is being carried out on the basis of indexation and changes in the cost of living. So all the planned mass movements have already been completed.
The next stage of the transition in 2025 was announced. As reported by the Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovych, the increase will not be significant, however, pensioners can receive less insurance for the planned indexation of the upcoming fatality (which must be carried out in advance).
The minister also announced that in 2025 a change in pensions is planned for of all people.
Around mass changes, the size of the pension can be changed on an individual basis. Наприклад, при досягненні особою певного віку.
У жовтні 2024 надбавку до пенсії за віком зможуть отримати українці, які досягли 70 років (300 грн), 75 років (456 грн) та 80 років (570 грн). The bonus is calculated automatically.
Also, the overtime is also reduced individually for pensioners who, after reaching the pension age, continued to work, but were not retired. To restart, you will need to go to the service centers of the PFU population.
In the preparation of the material, the following materials were used: publications of the portals of the Ministry of Social Policy and the Pension Fund of Ukraine nor, Cabinet Resolution No. 632 dated 31 May 2024, statement by the Minister of Social Policy Oksana Zholnovich.