Cardinal Mykola Bychok used for the ceremony the vestments that were used by the Kyiv metropolitans in the 16th-17th centuries.
new cardinals of the Catholic Church
The ceremony took place in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
After the service, the Pope read the formula of proclamation of the new cardinals, announced their names and announced their appointment to the rank of cardinal priest or cardinal deacon.
The new cardinals recited the Creed and made a confession of faith, fidelity and obedience to the Roman Pontiff, with the Pope and the Universal Church.
From the hands of the head of the Catholic Church, the new cardinals also received a bull on the assignment of the title to one of the Roman parishes or the Roman deaconry. The representative of the UGCC, Mykola Bychok, received the title of Cardinal-Presbyter of Saint Sophia. This title was also held by Ukrainian cardinals Myroslav Ivan Lyubachevsky and Lyubimir Husar. Cardinal Nicholas's headdress has a special shape, corresponding to the Byzantine liturgical tradition.