• 12/03/2025 00:27

How ultra-processed foods affect jaw development in children

A new study by scientists has drawn attention to the negative impact of ultra-processed food on children's health. Experts have found that regular consumption of soft foods that do not require active chewing slows down the development of jaw bones. Such children experience underdevelopment of facial muscles, malocclusion, and an increase in orthodontic problems, writes IZ with reference to Dentistry.

Chewing solid food is a natural stimulator of the development of bone structures. However, the modern diet in many countries, such as the United Kingdom and the United States, is based on foods that do not create the necessary load on the jaws. As a result, this causes significant changes in the formation of maxillofacial structures in children. This is especially noticeable compared to hunter-gatherers, whose consumption of solid food ensured better dental and jaw health.

Representatives of the British Orthodontic Society emphasized that the problem is complex. In addition to nutrition, the formation of jaws is influenced by genetics and environmental conditions. At the same time, they confirmed the connection between the modern soft diet and an increase in the incidence of orthodontic diseases.

Doctors advise choosing foods that promote active jaw function. In particular, fresh fruits, vegetables and other solid foods not only strengthen facial muscles, but also reduce the risk of caries. However, they warn that replacing ultra-processed food alone will not solve the problem. It is necessary to take into account all the factors that affect the development of the child's body.

Recall, earlier we wrote about who a reproductologist is and what this doctor does


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