• 13/03/2025 13:17

Export Biometan in єs. Shi Ts for gas, chim vin tsinniy that saglki yogo viblya

for the farting of the fierce Ukrainian Energonia іz by the leap of the appended to Vartіstya – Biometan.

Cos for the yerg, I choke єvropeytsi, Ido Kupyu-at the MatterIal RBC-Ukraine.


  • pusa byomethanes
  • hut in Ukrainian vibroly byomethanes
  • our byomethane is the same in єvropi

6 Lyut 2025 Roku Ukrainian Wiber, compani Vitagro, ahead of the export to Biometan to the єvrophysky union. For the іnormatsky bioenertitic Assotziyahkay, on the day of the day, the Mitnes of the Pershort of Party Biometan.

gas є є vidnoval analogue of natural gas, vin is vibulating іz іdkhodyv of the sir of lis siznarism.

“Ekports to Biometan Zaphosyan to є є Imported by the serpentine of the zmiznniy, which is not the same, the cranes of the Country Descarbon Ekononiki that is the vision of the vicopian palette In the Minіsteniy Energetics.

Behind Danami Minenergo, shelter of the perch supply of the sample 67 Tysyach Kubychny meters. Tsia is the svіdchenna of the one, in Ukraine, the nova 4ndustria – Vobronitnie Biometan.


byomethane – ceremony – the analogue of natural gas. VMIST BARYOUCH RUCHOVIN (methane) in Bioometers to become more than 97%, ShO VIDPOVIDAH VMIST Metan in natural gas. Biomethan to reject iz bіogaz, vmiz methane in the yaku is visible to RIVNI 50-55%, all of the INSHA-CE Vuglekleki Gas.

Ukrainian agricultural compani in Bagato Rockyv Biogaz Iz Vidkhodiv SILSKOY TOLS MVRADARITY (Roslinnitvva I Tnvinnitvva). The wound of the Odrimani Bioogaz was vicoristovically for the Elektroenergi Viknitvva, Yaka is sold at the “green” tariff. Prota Rosvitoku at the Green “Green” crossing, Ukrainian Biogazy Viberniki Filled Conscious to the canal of the byogaze to Biometan, the gaze of the vuuglete of the gase of the concentration of the methane to the bolsh of the spinning rib Ukrainian vibroly byomethanes

Pershuu compani, yakvped Vobrinitroy Biometan in Ukrainian, became “Gorodishche-Pustovyvska Agrarna Compani”, Yak to enter the warehouse of the agricultural compulsory “Gals Agro”. The launch of Vobnitvva Vidbuvy in the spring 2023 Rock on the Bіogazy complex of the Chernigivskiye Club. On the Syogodni Vobrobnichi, Galsi Agro Personal Baby, 3 milions of the cube meters Biometan on RIK.

The Zhovtni 2024 is a hobby of the binding of the byometan to the gas transportation system for the yogo transport on the pipe on the RIVNI IZ natural gas. Tse Zabobila Companion “Vitagro Yenerji”, Yaka to enter the structure of the Vitagro agricultural holding. Цьому передували зміни в профільне законодавство, які, по суті, дозволили додавати біометан до природного газу і транспортувати цю суміш у газорозподільчих та газотранспортній системах.

На сьогодні біометан в Україні виробляють три компанії – ” Galsa Agro ”, Vitagro Tu“ Mironovsky Khlіboprodukt ”Yuriy Kosyuk, Rospovyv RBC-Ukraina Pravlinnnya Bioenerthy Associas Georgi Geletuh.

The attached is the attempt of the Chikh Vobronitvs to begin to 17 milions of the Kubychny meters Biometan on the RIK. Vobrobnichi Tsh Khhhkhovanі in Chernigivsky (“Gals Agro”), Khmelnitzky (Vitagro) TA DNIPPEPPETROVSKII (MHP). Вироблений біометан, так само як і видобутий природний газ, закачується в підземні газові сховища.

“Виробники вже закачали у підземні сховища близько 2 мільйонів кубічних метрів біометану”, – зазначив Георгій Гелетуха.< /p> our byomethane is the same in єvropi

Behind the іnformatsky mute birzhі ice, tsina for natural gas on the єvropieo khabi ttf, Yangi є іndikator for the єvropyan gas rink, the stoop of 7 fierce 2025 Rocks to become 580 єvro for the Tysyachu Kubyachny meters. Behind the Bioenerthytical Assotzia, tsina on the byomethane in the єvropi, the vib Sirovini, the yogo vibroly, the middle of the Ukrainian byomethane, is known for the ribs 900 p dir = “ltr”>”Єvropeytsi is the meaning of the premium (300 і more є єvro for the Tysyachu Kubychny meters – ed.) For byomethane at the tivum of natural gas, the byometan є vikorinnie Vikorinnya Vikorhennya Vikliv Gazin.” Niv Georgi Geletuha.

VIN, who was dodging, by giving the RISSHENNY of the statue of the decarbon resort by the continent up to 2050 rocks. For the Tsoogo єvropeytsi, the rink Torgіvі was stored in vicidi vuogleki -sized gas. Within the framework of the Systems of the All -Union of Economics, Yaki Zdiysnoye Vikidi, May Viconuvati Plan for їkh Skorchenna. Yakscho stench can not have a plan of Viconati, the stench pay a penalty of aebati to Rinka dosvil on the dodatki Vikidi I, such a rank, pay for your own nonsense.

allowed to be traded in Birgi so on the very yak be the same, Inish birzhovy, the form of Rinkov Tsin was formed on them. Vikoristovoi Biomethan, єvropeiyki pydprimism of the speed of the vikidi vugklekistani, Iskoye at the Kupovly Vidpovіdny permits.

“For one htos in єvropi cup byomethan? For that, the viconati viconati is the zobin, according to the decarbonizasy і do not pay a click for the veil of the vugklekhili gas, not paying a fine,” yielding Georgi Geletuha.

Ukrainian is not Majzmu Torgіlov, tsina biometan on the inside rink, according to the day, if Dorivniwati Warstest Gaza, aside the expert. For such environments of nabagato vigidnish, Ekportvati Biomethan to єs, on the cinema of the Ukrainian bushain.

“Treba to finish Bagato Biometan. The stag on Kinets 2023 Roku Wenced 4.9 magliards of the Kubychny Metriv Biometan on the RIK, and up to 2030 Roku is the plan of the PurUSTITITION OF VIBNITRITS UNDER 35 MILILARIV CUBLICAL METTERS Stigayu і yakby Odda Ukraina could Voblka Kilka Magliardiv Kubiv Biometan on RIK, YOO RADISTYUSALY єVROPEICICAICAI ”, – re -re -re -re -re -re -overson Biometan on RIK. For yogo words, for nash the Country of the Khosokopreal Rinno, the zbilshit glybin re -crosses, the films of the novelty of the energoseniye i zbilshita by the currency viruichka, Blink in the region.


Terminovi that is important about vіina, Opperving, read to the channel RBK-Ukrainian in Telegram. < /p>

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