The Prime Minister wants the American forces in Eastern Europe to also take part in maintaining the future world. SRC = “ 49494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949494949 4949494949494949494949494949494949494949IBC694949BBBBBBBBBBBBBBCBCBC > Edition Telegraph claims that during a visit to Washington next week, the prime minister of the United King of the United States, Kir Starmer, will present to the US President Donald Trump to deploy a contingent in Ukraine in 30,000 European military after the signing of any ceasefire on the ceasefire along the front line. Cities, ports, nuclear power plants and other important Infrastructure objects, the grounds for these forces can be Poltava, Dnipro and Krivi Rich. To convince Trump that the United States is interested in invading Ukraine for the third time to invade Ukraine.
- The eldest previously argued that he considers the support of the United States as the only effective security guarantee for Ukraine.