• 25/02/2025 15:06

Єvrososyuz as for the prescription of pre -bibs at the Indіїi іz forgetting the Sanctsiy RF RF, – Bloomberg

I will pretend to be forgotten St. Tse Patannya to talk to the president of the єvrokomіsiyla von der Lyayn that prem'r-mіnizhr ndіa narendra mod.

Behind Danami Vidannya, von der, they’ll pop up with Modi Skodi Sanziy Pіd Hour of Zustychi Tizhoy Tizhnya in New Delhi. SHO VIINA Rosії opposition to obscure to be neat for Іndії so itself, yak I for єvropa, ” – quotes Bloomberg of an unnamed official єs. The world.

Vidannya of the clarification, the MZS venї reservoir did not buy the situation. Yak VIDOMO, PIVDNENNOVASITSKA KRAMANA DREAMENSH INSHSHEY SANKTSIY, UNDADENCHENCH.

Dodamo, I did not dry the invader of the Rosa in Ukrainian. The nature of the Indіska Vladovy, to the dialog, is the diplomat for the prying of Veyni. PID Hour of non-Shobodavno Zusti Modі Donald Trump at Bilom Domi Prem'r Indії, Shcho Yogo Kraina Vistupa on the Botsi world at Rosіysko-Ukrainian Vіinі.

Nagada, in the Serly Minoi Roku Prem'r-Miniger Indії Narendra Modi Vidvіdav, Ukrainim Vіzit. PID Hour Yogo Vizita Bulo is the Chotiri, please, about the spivpratsu ndіyu that Ukrainians.

Water venuvyuuvyuvati yak zkhostyanoy, so I. Vaughn did not make Zhorstka the position of a dedicated invoice of the Rosieki pay for Ukrainian Terito. Sonapokoko on the Tli Viyni in Ukraine.

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