• 27/07/2024 03:23

8,000 euros for an unsuccessful tour to Moldova: a minibus with illegal immigrants was stopped at the border

The carrier tried to smuggle eight men across the state border.

8000 euros for an unsuccessful tour to Moldova: a minibus with illegal immigrants was stopped at the border

Eight illegal immigrants from the region near the border with Moldova stopped a minibus with eight men tried to illegally reach a neighboring country.

This was reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine.

“Recently, squad operatives detained a Renault passenger minibus at the border crossing, which was heading to the Ukrainian-Moldovan border in the middle of the night. The vehicle was driven by a resident of the Chernivtsi region. Together with him, 8 men of military age from the Kharkov, Donetsk, Poltava and Kiev regions were heading to the border . “, noted the State Tax Service.

Border guards reported that the driver of the minibus for 8 thousand euros per person must provide “pseudo-tourists” with an illegal transfer outside the checkpoints to Moldova.

The State Tax Service noted that protocols under Art. 204-1 KUoAP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine.”

The driver, as an organizer, faces criminal liability under Art. 332 of the Criminal Code. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 9 years.

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  • Recently in Transcarpathia, men with children’s inflatable vests gathered to “storm” Tisa. They were detained near the state border.
  • A truck driver transporting illegal immigrants across the border was also detained. The price per “client” ranged from 2700 to 3400 US dollars. The cost depended on the level of transportation comfort and the final destination of the route.


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