• 27/07/2024 00:19

A group of 38 illegal immigrants tried to get into Hungary

This is an absolute record, border guards noted.

A group of 38 illegal immigrants tried to get into Hungary

Ukrainian border guards detained a group of illegal immigrants on the border with Hungary

Ukrainian border guards3.

The press service of the State Tax Service reported this.

“Two minibuses were stopped by border guards at the border. The drivers were carrying 38 men, a record number of border crossers detained during a full-scale invasion,” the report said.

Border guards added that the group included men from 11 regions of Ukraine.

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The organizers of the illegal transportation received from their clients from 4.5 thousand to 8.5 thousand dollars.

Border guards informed the police that they had detected signs of a criminal offense in the actions of the carriers. Administrative reports were drawn up against the detainees.

Currently, the details of the organization of the illegal scheme are being verified and established.

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  • Soldiers of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBS) detained two men while trying to illegally cross the border of Ukraine and Romania.


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