• 26/07/2024 23:20

A group of drivers and dispatchers were spotted near Kherson. They were preparing missile strikes against SBU soldiers

Law enforcement in Kherson caught a number of dangerous informants. They were preparing missile strikes against the units of the Defense Forces, now they are threatened with prison

RBC-Ukraine informs about this in a message to the Security Service of Ukraine.

Who entered before the limit of informants

According to the investigation, until The warden's group consisted of four employees of local motor transport companies.

For the warden's assignment, the skins of them were assigned to a clearly defined “functionality.”

“So, for example, two figurants – driving the route there are no buses , when passengers were transported, there were movements and points of arrival of military equipment,” according to informed law enforcement officials.

Two more are fleet managers. In the early hours of the week, stinks walked around the place, where they carried out further development of “necessary” objects.

The suspects were working with the GRU

The criminals made trustworthy arrangements with the staff of gas stations and stores in order to “behind the scenes” find out about the thieves zhi “little” and their inheritance.

All collected information was passed on by the aggressor’s subordinates to the secret groups that later “spoke” to the military intelligence service of the Russian Federation, and to the GRU itself.

Communication with the occupiers was maintained remotely through a “communication officer” from the left bank of the Kherson region.

The fire fighters planned to seize the information to prepare new ones and coordinate repeated attacks on the site . They were seized by the SBU and the ZSU.

What threatens them

The security service disrupted the plans of the exterminators. This has now become possible for the timely discovery of warlike informants and the “perimental” documentation of their intelligence activities.

Photo: Zatrimannya (facebook.com/SecurSerUkraine)

At the same time, a visit was made to ensure the safety of the special warehouse of military equipment of the Defense Forces in the regional center.

During the hour of searching for the addresses of the Russian informants, Kremlin symbols, Russian Guard insignia and mobile phones were revealed with evidence of malignant activity.

Investigations have revealed that there is something suspicious about the fact of “unauthorized expansion of information about the routes, movement of armored forces, forces, movement or placement of the ZSU, created in the minds of the military camp.” The criminals are under attack, they are threatened with up to 8 fatalities.

Unexpectedly hounded collaborators

Yesterday it became clear that law enforcement hounded a Russian agent who was preparing a missile strike on the Ukrzali facilities Znitsi” on the evening of Ukraine. Now I am in danger of becoming more vulnerable.

Law enforcement also covered the health center, working in a kindergarten and organizing missile strikes on Kharkov.

Terms and important information about Russia’s war against Ukraine Read more on RBC-Ukraine channels on Telegram.

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