• 26/07/2024 19:40

As a result of the shelling of Kharkov, a patient from the local hospital was injured

Due to a Russian missile attack on Kharkov, the buildings of the medical hospital were injured, a woman who was in install at the hospital.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this from reports on Suspilna.

It appears that at least one patient of the hospital, a woman in her middle age, was injured after the attack.

< p>The bends of her head hit her, the doctors are asking for help.

Shelling of Kharkov

I guess, around 0:30, Kharkov’s bruises popped.

The aggressor hit the Saltivsky district of the city, the missiles fell between the hulls civil medical installation. As a result of the influx of hundreds of victors in several medical buildings.

It is possible that on the evening of the 26th quarter in Ukraine a large-scale alarm was voiced – the Russians launched Caliber missiles from the Black Sea. It was also reported about the attack of the MiG-31 aircraft and the launches of the Kinzhal missiles.

The development in the Ivano-Frankivsk region caused vibrations.

Terminov and important information about the War between Russia and Ukraine read on the channelRBC-Ukraine on Telegram.

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