• 26/07/2024 22:41

Australia will give Ukraine drones and a batch of MANPADS worth tens of millions of dollars, – Shmigal

Australia will transfer drones to Ukraine as part of the drone coalition. Ukraine is also receiving a large batch of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems RBS 70.

RBC-Ukraine reports this to Prime Minister of Ukraine Denis Shmigal during a briefing with the Minister of Defense and Australia by Richard Marles.

“As part of the coalition of drones, Australia will supply us with drones worth 32.5 million dollars. Also, a large batch of RBS 70 MANPADS worth tens of millions of dollars will be delivered to Ukraine,” Shmigal said.

Ukraine Yinskiy Prem 'He also thanked Australia for his efforts to contribute to Ukraine's victory.

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Help from the allies

I guess that yesterday, the 26th quarter, twenty first contacts of the Contact Group from the defense of Ukraine took place in the “Ramstein” format. The meeting took place on the anniversary date – the first “Ramstein” was held on the 26th quarter of 2022.

In advance, low countries announced additional packages of military aid for Ukraine. Okrema, we are talking about Great Britain, Estonia, Denmark and other countries.

In addition, the United States announced the largest aid package for Ukraine, amounting to approximately 6 billion dollars.

Pid During the Ramstein meeting, the allies discussed the supply of ammunition to Ukraine. Thus, the head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, began singing that the first F-16 pilots will arrive in Ukraine at the same time as the existing pilots.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the channel RBC-Ukraine on Telegram

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