• 26/07/2024 20:55

Congressmen of both parties are working on solutions to help Ukraine

House lawmakers plan to introduce an alternative bill to cut non-military aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan and include the issue of migrants.

Congressmen of both parties are working on options for solutions to help Ukraine

Bipartisan group of House lawmakers The US Congress plans to present an alternative proposal for an aid package to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Politico reports this.

As a compromise, the initiative's sponsors propose reducing non-military aid to the three countries and including border security.

“If we could focus on military aid and create a clear element of security on the border, that would secure a lot of Republican votes,” he said. Republican Don Bacon. “And there are enough Democrats who agree.” We will try.”

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One of the authors of the document, Republican Brian Fitzpatrick, co-chair of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus, said he plans to soon discuss the initiative with House Speaker Mike Johnson.

Democrat Mike Quigley, who co-leads the Congressional Ukraine Caucus with Fitzpatrick, told Politico that any additional foreign aid bill would have to be bipartisan to pass the House. Some House Democrats are expected to reject any bill that includes aid to Israel. Instead, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, a Democrat and ranking member of the House Appropriations Committee, said Johnson should immediately bring to the House floor the document already cleared by the Senate.

House Democratic leaders are also counting votes in favor of a petition to remove Speaker Mike Johnson. Such a petition could unblock a vote on the relief package.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries vowed to use “all options” to overcome the problem of reluctance to vote on the relief package, including a dismissal petition that would have to fire. sign by at least 218 members of the House of Representatives. Last year, all 213 House Democrats signed a test petition, but members of the Democratic Party's left subsequently expressed concerns about aid to Israel. Therefore, the party leaders are forced to seek support among the Republicans.


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