• 27/07/2024 00:08

Defense forces destroyed 920 invaders and 27 tanks in 24 hours

Силы обороны уничтожили 920 оккупантов и 27 танков за сутки

Illustrative photo from Facebook of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Minus 42 armored fighting vehicles, 27 tanks, 15 artillery systems and 920 soldiers – these are Russia’s losses in the war of aggression against Ukraine over the past 24 hours.

Source : General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook

Details : Total enemy combat losses from 02/24/22 to 12/28/23 approximately:

  • personnel – about 356,670 (+920) people,
  • tanks – 5,940 (+27) units,
  • armored combat vehicles – 11,015 (+42) units,
  • artillery systems – 8,391 (+15) units,
  • MLRS − 935 (+1) units,
  • air defense systems – 617 (+1) units,
  • aircraft – 329 (+0) units,
  • helicopters – 324 (+0) units,
  • Operational-tactical level UAVs – 6,503 (+32),
  • cruise missiles – 1,620 (+0) units,
  • ships/boats – 23 (+0) units,
  • submarines – 1 (+0) units,
  • automotive equipment and tank trucks – 11,180 (+40) units,
  • special equipment – 1,247 (+7) units.

The data is being clarified.


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