• 26/07/2024 23:45

During the day, the Russians shelled four communities in the Sumy region

In total, the occupiers carried out 7 shellings of border territories and settlements of the Sumy region.

During the day, the Russians shelled four communities in the Sumy region

Consequences of Russian shelling of their settlements in the Sumy region. 36 explosions were recorded. The Myropol, Belopol, Krasnopol, Seredino-Buda communities suffered shelling.

This is stated in the message of the Sumy OVA.

It is noted that the Krasnopol community suffered the most: the enemy fired mortars (13 explosions). A kamikaze drone attack of the “FPV” type was also recorded (1 explosion).

The Miropol community was attacked by an enemy FPV drone, 1 explosion was recorded.

Mortar fire was fired at the Belopol community from the territory of the Russian Federation – a total of 15 explosions.

The Russians hit the Seredino-Buda community with artillery (6 explosions).

The Ukrainian regions, which are located in the border zone from the Russian Federation, are the most unprotected from enemy attacks. This applies to seven regions: Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Zaporozhye, Chernigov, Sumy and Dnepropetrovsk.


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