• 26/07/2024 20:52

Enemy strike on Odessa: death toll increased to four (updated)

6 residents of the house are considered missing.

Enemy attack on Odessa: the number of deaths increased to four people (updated)

shelling of a high-rise building in Odessa

2 people were killed, 8 more were injured, including a child. The Office of the Prosecutor General began an investigation; 6 residents of the house are still missing.

As of 12:50 in Odessa, as a result of enemy shelling, the number of victims increased to four people.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine noted that “at the level of the first floor, under the rubble, the fourth body of a deceased person was found, work is underway to release the blockade.”

In total, 4 people died, of which 1 was a child, 8 people were injured, of which 1 was a child. 5 people were saved. Search work continues.

Enemy strike in Odessa: the number of deaths increased to four people (updated)


Update.As of 11:00, according to information from the head of the OVA Oleg Kiper, the number of victims of the Russian attack on Odessa has increased to three people. Only rescuers unblocked a man’s body from under the rubble. The State Emergency Service noted that a child died.

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Search and rescue the operation continues.

Enemy strike on Odessa: the number of deaths increased to four people (updated)

This is stated in a message from the press service of the Office of the General.

On the night of March 2, the enemy attacked Odessa with a UAV. The drone hit a 9-story building in a residential area of ​​the city. Part of the entrance of 18 apartments was destroyed. Now we know about 2 dead and 8 injured, including a three-year-old child.

Hostile strike on Odessa: the death toll increased up to four people (updated)

The clearance of the rubble and search and rescue operations continue. There may still be people under the rubble; 6 residents of the house are considered missing.

Also chapter Oleg Kiper reported to the Odessa OVA that in the morning rescuers managed to get a man out from under the rubble of a destroyed high-rise building. He is alive.

“At the time the enemy drone hit, he was previously in the basement. The man is conscious and is now being examined by doctors. The search and clearing of the rubble continues,” Kiper said.

Enemy attack on Odessa: the number of deaths increased to four people (updated)

With procedural The leadership of the prosecutors of the Odessa Regional Prosecutor's Office has begun pre-trial proceedings on the fact of violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).


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