• 26/07/2024 22:53

GUR: The telegram contains a number of threats to the security of Ukraine

This is not about individual users or media, the question is about the platform itself.

 GUR: Telegram contains a number of threats to the security of Ukraine

Ukrainian intelligence admits that the Telegram messenger contains security threats Ukraine, so we need to look for options to solve this problem.

This was stated by the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andrey Yusov, reports Ukrinform.

“As for Telegram, the threats it poses to society are real. We are not talking about individual users or individual media that are represented on this platform, the question is for the platform itself. It includes a whole range of threats to the information industry, and not only information security of our country. Yes, this question needs to be answered, and I think that this will definitely happen,” he said.

Expert of the NGO “Institute for Cyberwar Research” Egor Aushev also stated that Telegram is actually a legalized “darknet” (a completely anonymous, unregulated and uncontrolled part of the Internet – ed.). He advises Ukrainian military personnel and members of their families not to use this messenger for their own safety.

Russian “Enigma” of the 21st century: how Telegram is connected to the Kremlin

What's wrong from Telegram

  • The Institute of Innovation Management (IIG) examined the ways the Kremlin influences Ukraine and the EU countries. He found more than 350 Russian lobbyists in Germany, France and Italy – key EU countries.
  • Last July, the American newspaper The New York Times wrote that the FSB monitors communications on Telegram and WhatsApp, including in the occupied territories of Ukraine.
  • And the British newspaper Financial Times wrote that secret data of American government agencies, including law enforcement and intelligence, is being massively traded in the Telegram messenger. Attackers often have connections with Russia.
  • Back in 2022, the SBU published a list of Telegram channels coordinating the Russian General Staff.


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