• 26/07/2024 22:51

How to calm a child during a panic attack: for the sake of the Ministry of Health

In the hour of war, through shelling and renewed anxiety among rich people, There are panic attacks. Whose children are not insured.

RBC-Ukraine informs about this through communications to the press service of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

What a panic attack

A panic attack is an episode of intense fear or anxiety that occurs for no apparent reason. Attacks are often thwarted when a person experiences extreme anxiety, or after a stressful event. Also, the stench may be due to a previous illness, it is important for that person to consult not only a psychologist/psychotherapist, but also a doctor, to turn off all possible risks.

A panic attack can last up to 30 minutes and does not pose a direct threat to life. Attacks without professional help can be sustained. If you feel repeated episodes of panic attacks, it is important to seek help before getting help.

Symptoms of a panic attack:

  • The heartbeat is quickened;
  • The heartbreak has been quickened or the heartbeat has become more difficult;
  • One ​​name or three thousand hands and nothing;
  • Nudota and discomfort in the shlunku;
  • Confusing;
  • The brightness and intensity of the light has increased;
  • Sloy, can’t stop crying;
  • It looks like it’s “caught”, the failure is collapsing.

How to help a child during a panic attack

Sing to the child that this body, no matter how unacceptable, does not pose a threat to life. You immediately confront him.

Techniques for a panic attack:

Spring into the panic attack cycle:

  • Thoughts: calm the baby down, talk to in a clear voice.
  • Behavior: turn to the right to “ground yourself.”
  • Bodily movements: practice dihal movements.
  • Emotions: help the child focus on the positive.

Direct right:

  • Put your hand on the child’s life .
  • Be aware of inhaling and seeing (inhale for 5 seconds, see for 5 seconds).
  • Inhale through the nose, see through the mouth.
  • Explain what happens when you inhale the tummy inflates like a swollen bag, and when you see it, it swells completely.

Others to the right:

  • Find a bunch of objects in the song color and call them.
  • Rough the pieces until the song color.
  • Rahuvat from ten to one.
  • Squeeze the adult’s hand alternately with your right and left hand.
  • Tap on the stomach 3 fingers below the sleepy gossip.
  • Rub the tip of your nose.
  • Lightly press the apple onto the apple.
  • Soak the baby’s lips with water, rinse your mouth.
  • Wag your tongue, pushing your chest.
  • Wonder right-handed, hold your gaze for 15-20 seconds, then left-handed.
  • Rub the body.
  • Rub the point between the little finger and the little finger.
  • Place your hands on your ribs, concentrate on their widened areas as you breathe.

Remember that panic attacks are not unsafe for life, but may even be unacceptable. With the help of psychotherapy and/or medication, you can teach your child to control panic attacks. If you sense a panic attack in a child, you will politely seek help from the police.

Read terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine on the RBC-Ukraine channel in Telegram.

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