• 27/07/2024 02:25

In self-proclaimed Transnistria, the FSB recruits Ukrainians illegally crossing the border – Center for National Resistance

In particular, they are trying to extract information about military facilities and the development of a section of the border with Ukraine.

In the self-proclaimed returned illegal and illegal negotiations against

Citizens of Ukraine, those who illegally crossed the border with the self-proclaimed Transnistrian Moldavian Republic are recruited by representatives of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The Center for National Resistance reports this.

It is noted that from such Ukrainians they are trying to extract information about military facilities and the development of the section of the border between Ukraine and the PMR. They are also persuaded to work as freelancers and informants on a permanent basis, otherwise they are threatened with being returned to Ukraine.

The Center for National Opposition calls on Ukrainians not to visit the “republic”, regardless of the legality of the route of arrival.

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