• 27/07/2024 00:18

In the Kherson region, officials were exposed who bought food for the Armed Forces of Ukraine at inflated prices

One of them bought bread for a military unit for 1.3 million UAH, which caused damage of more than 402 thousand hryvnia.

In the Kherson region, officials were exposed who bought products for the ZSU > One of the exposed officials persons </p>
<p>In the Kherson region, two heads of the food service of the logistics department of the border detachment in the Kherson region were exposed, who purchased food for the military at inflated prices.</p>
<p>This was reported by the State Bureau of Investigation.</p>
<p> < p>It is noted that one of them is the head of the food service of the unit. He entered into an agreement to purchase cereals for a military unit for more than 360 thousand hryvnia. The agreement was approved at an inflated price and without relevant documents confirming the quality of the goods.</p>
<p>His predecessor in this position entered into an agreement to purchase bread for a military unit for UAH 1.3 million. Despite the monitoring, he chose the entrepreneur who offered an inflated price.</p>
<p>The cost of a kilogram of bread, which was supplied by a private entrepreneur under the contract, exceeded the market average by 8 UAH. Because of this, the military unit suffered losses of more than 402 thousand hryvnia.</p>
<p>The DBR exposed the facts of purchasing food products for a military unit at inflated prices and reported suspicions to officials who headed the food service of the logistics support of the border law.</p>
<p>“One of them is suspected of entering deliberately false information into official documents (part. 1, Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), the second – in abuse of official position with the aim of obtaining unlawful benefits for another individual (Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine),” the message says. </p>
<p>The sanction of the articles provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 3 years.</p>
<p>The investigation continues, detailed circumstances are being established under which the purchase of products for the military at inflated prices was allowed.</p>
<p> > </p>
<p>In February, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau confirmed the existence of a corruption scheme in the procurement of food for the Ministry of Defense. This scheme allows you to significantly increase prices for certain product categories. Unfavorable suppliers receive excessive profits and actually profit from the army.</p>
<p><a rel=lb.ua

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