• 27/07/2024 00:01

In the Lviv region, a couple was exposed who were planning a missile attack on a thermal power plant

While the husband was in prison, the wife had to photograph energy facilities with reference to the location.

The spouses who were planning a missile attack on a thermal power plant were exposed in the Lviv region

>The Security Service of Ukraine exposed the spouses who were preparing a missile attack on the energy infrastructure of the Lviv region. Among the main targets of the enemy were power plants that supply light to most of this region.

This is stated in the SBU message.

The FSB recruited local spouses to cooperate. In this case, the main defendant turned out to be a man who, since 2023, has been serving a sentence in a local colony for causing grievous bodily harm. .

“Subsequently, FSB officers established contact with him and recruited him remotely. After that, they switched to communicating in an anonymous chat, where the prisoner received undercover tasks and step-by-step instructions for their implementation,” the intelligence service reported.

cooperation with the enemy the FSB agent attracted his wife “at large”. The woman had to find the necessary energy facilities and photograph them with reference to the location.

The occupiers promised to finance all the current expenses of their henchmen associated with reconnaissance and subversive activities, as well as transfer monetary “rewards.”

< p>The aggressor planned to use the information received to launch missile attacks in order to cut off power to the western region of Ukraine.< /p> “But SBU officers promptly exposed the criminal intentions of the Russian special service and prevented their implementation,” the SBU noted.

During a search of the Russian agent's cell, a mobile phone was seized, which he used to communicate with the FSB. Currently, Security Service investigators have informed the attacker of suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

  • ch. 2 tbsp. 111 (high treason committed under martial law);
  • ch. 2 and part 3 of Art. 436-2 (justification, recognition as lawful, denial of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants).

He faces life imprisonment.

They also plan to report suspicion in treason to the defendant's wife. The investigation continues.

  • Since the beginning of the war, more than 2 thousand state traitors and more than 5 thousand collaborators have been detained. Also, 73 proceedings were opened and 22 verdicts were announced against clergy.
  • The Security Service exposed another Russian agent who was scouting the locations and routes of movement of the Defense Forces in the Donetsk region. First of all, the woman tried to transfer to the occupiers the locations of personnel and heavy weapons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Bakhmut direction. The traitor transmitted the received data via messenger to her son, a militant of the terrorist organization “DPR”.


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