• 26/07/2024 20:18

In Ukraine on Sunday it will become colder and rainy

It's raining in Kyiv on Sunday. Wind north, northeast, 7-12 m/s. Temperature at night is 5-7°C, during the day 7-9°.

 In Ukraine on Sunday it will become colder and there will be rains

In Ukraine on Sunday, April 21, it will become colder, rains are expected, soil frosts will be 0-3°, Interfax-Ukraine reports with reference to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

In the western regions, no precipitation at night, light rain during the day; temperature at night is 1-6°C, frost on the ground surface is 0-3°C, during the day 9-14°C.

In other territories there are moderate rains, in the Kyiv, Chernigov, Cherkassy regions, heavy rains at night and in the Odessa, Nikolaev, Kirovograd and Sumy regions, thunderstorms in the daytime on the Left Bank; temperature in Vinnytsia, Zhitomir, Kyiv, Cherkasy at night 3-8°C, during the day 7-12°, in other territories at night 8-13°, during the day 13-18°, in the eastern part up to 23°.

Wind north, northeast, 7-12 m/s, during the day across Ukraine, except for the western and northern regions, gusts 15-20 m/s.

It's raining in Kyiv on Monday. Wind north, northeast, 7-12 m/s. Temperature at night is 5-7 degrees Celsius, during the day 7-9 degrees.

According to the Central Geophysical Observatory. Boris Sreznevsky, in Kyiv on April 21, the highest temperature during the day was 27.9° in 1950, the lowest at night -3.9° in 1893.

On the night of Monday, April 22, in the northern and sometimes central regions, rain in the western, southern and central regions during the day, no precipitation in other areas.

The wind is westerly with a transition to the northeast, in the east of the country it is predominantly southwest, 7- 12 m/s.< Temperature in the western regions at night 1-6°C, frost on the ground surface 0-3°C, daytime 4-9°C; in the eastern and southeastern regions at night 5-10 °, during the day 15-20 °; in the rest of the territory 2-7°C at night, 10-15°C during the day.

In the highlands of the Carpathians, no precipitation at night, sleet during the day; temperature at night 0-5° below zero, during the day 0-5° warm.

No precipitation in Kyiv on Monday night. Wind west turning to northeast, 7-12 m/s. Temperature at night is 4-6°C, during the day 12-14°.


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