• 26/07/2024 20:57

Macron plans to visit Ukraine because he wants to “bring” good results, – Politico

French President Emmanuel Macron continues his visit to Ukraine, as long as he wants arrive with excellent results for help our country.

RBC-Ukraine reports about this via Politico.

Macron’s visit to Ukraine lasted several times I planned to the spocation on Lyutius, and Potim Buv transfer to the middle of the birch.

the statement of the Palace, Yaku was defamed in Nedil, 10 birch, and they happened about those in the nitibean “in Nibylizhi Kilka Tizhniv.” With whom they clarified that this is not related to the emergency meals.

The unnamed French diplomat confirmed that the reason for such a postponement of the visit is Macron’s need to take an hour to discuss with allies, “in order to bring Ukraine to good results “.

” It takes three hours for (the authorities – ed.) the coalition to discuss operational concerns with our partners,” the diplomat said.

Significantly, recently at ZMI information has emerged that France is assembling an alliance of countries that would be willing to send invading armies into the territory of Ukraine.

What was blowing

Guess what, earlier French President Emmanuel Macron allowed that the They can enter their military history to Ukraine. With this, he clarified that there is no consensus.

He also said that Europe is not guilty of being a “fear” in the face of the accusations of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

Such statements caused divisions. osti between France and other European countries, including Germany.

More details about this in the material from RBC-Ukraine.

Terms and important information about the war between Russia and Ukraine read on the channel RBC-Ukraine in Telegram.

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